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Re: Please assign a different host

@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

I like shows with 2, 3 or 4 co-stars.


The chance for mayhem and shenanigans increases exponentially with each addition and the entertainment is off the charts!


I vote for duo and trio hosting on every show,  at a minimum.



You are clearly a troublemaker.


I approve.


Why complain about the mayhem folks? Are you not entertained ? The more off the rails the show goes, well..let's just say the hilarity factor ratchets up, and I - for one - love a good circus.


I find myself completely capable of still doing serious shopping even in the midst of chaos.

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Re: Please assign a different host

The only host show I enjoy is on Sunday when Courtney does shoe shopping. No silliness.

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Re: Please assign a different host

Agreed. Shawn is hands down one the best hosts I don't enjoy her with Nancy at all.

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Re: Please assign a different host

@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

I like shows with 2, 3 or 4 co-stars.


The chance for mayhem and shenanigans increases exponentially with each addition and the entertainment is off the charts!


I vote for duo and trio hosting on every show,  at a minimum.


Some people like the craziness when there are multiple hosts/vendors.


It sends me directly to the remote. 

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Re: Please assign a different host

That's Entertainment!


Folks just won't grasp the new QVC, and likely never will.  It has evolved into the modern world of marketing,  leaving some behind.

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Re: Please assign a different host

The more, the merrier, lol Woman Happy

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Re: Please assign a different host

I enjoy Rick domeier and Valerie parr hill. Very entertaining and funny without going off topic. However, sometimes I don't understand what Shawn is talking about. Maybe it's me. I'm not good at riddle speak. 

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Re: Please assign a different host

@nascarfan wrote:

I'm not a fan of any host having their own show.  The show becomes stale and the host goes on auto-pilot. I turn into some if these weekly shows and within 10 minutes I'm changing the channel.


     I do just the opposite.   I usually change the channel after 15 minutes of watching multiple hosts. Hate seeing two or more hosts.

    One host and one vendor on a 'sale' are more than enough presenters to get the product info out.   So often, two or more hosts out talk each other, interrupt each other and entertain each other with many, boring stories that have nothing to do with the item!!


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Re: Please assign a different host

@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

That's Entertainment!


Folks just won't grasp the new QVC, and likely never will.  It has evolved into the modern world of marketing,  leaving some behind.


It depends on one's definition of entertainment. 


One of Q's marketing techniques is to get people to think hosts are more than salespeople. Obviously, a lot of people fall for it. 

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Posts: 4,876
Registered: ‎06-29-2016

Re: Please assign a different host

[ Edited ]

The function of QVC hosts as "sales people" is diminishing rapidly with each passing week.


The vast majority of Qurate's 9 million customers no longer need to watch a television program.  They simply go the app or website, as they would with Macy's or J Crew or Pottery Barn or any other retail.


The role of the host is now entertainment personality, guiding the buyer to shop online via streaming programs.  They will no longer "sell", if in fact they ever did.


Broadcasting is dead, a dinosaur from the 1990s.