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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

I'm with you Judycats.  The only new one I will watch is Steve Doss.  He's not as wild as the rest of them and actually tells you about the products.  Even if I like the products that are on if I don't like the host I don't watch.  Saves me a lot of money.

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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.


@ollie5 wrote:

Why does everyone assume they were fired?

@ollie5    Seems like many posters are very naive about the way things are done in the corporate world or the proper terminology.  When the workforce must be reduced, its customary to offer retirement incentives to those eligible.  They can take it or leave it.  For many it's a lucrative offer.


The people at QVC were either laid off for financial reasons or retired.  To say they were fired infers misconduct.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.


@Effie54 wrote:

And they kept Shawn and Jane....go figure! 

@Effie54    Shawn and Jane either were not eligible for or rejected retirement.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

[ Edited ]

The hosts were laid off, in the group of 400.  Plain & simple.


Just yesterday, Carolyn mentioned her upcoming swim wear shows, new pet products, and livestreams -- yesterday.  Dan has said multiple times before that he was very happy to still host at QVC.


People get laid off.  There's no shame in it, it's business.


If they took a retirement package, there would have been forethought, and a Good-Bye to their viewers before their last day.  Carolyn especially would not have been talking so much about her upcoming shows and products. 


A lot of QVC vendors, who worked with them closely, are expressing shock that they are no longer with QVC in their posts.


Qurate cut positions by looking at the numbers.  They have to answer to both corporate shareholders and private shareholders.  It's done all the time.



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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

Say it isn't so! Carolyn gone? She has had consistently positive reviews on the Q, and her stellar performance is legendary.


I don't care if she got a package. She deserves a good send off if it was her choice.


As another poster remarked, why not Jane T or Shawn who are consistently unwatchable, or the new guy, Steve, who is a disaster?


Ageism, of course.  Who's next: Mary Beth? Leah? Jayne Brown? Pat di Mentri?



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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

@Effie54 wrote:

And they kept Shawn and Jane....go figure! 



Maybe Shawn & Jane always met their sales quotas. 

Maybe Dan & Carolyn did not or their sales quotas were continually slipping downward. 

One was the lowest & the other was next to the lowest.  Or maybe they were tied!

It's all about meeting sale quotas.


Layoffs or being "let go" is all about business, nothing personal.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

@Krimpette wrote:

While I enjoyed both of them, it's not going to impact my buying.  I understand that layoffs happen in most businesses from time to time.


I do understand as well @Krimpette 


It happened to my DD when 60 were let go one day at her company w/o any notice.



However, I will say....that the hosts that remain for the most part are SO difficult to watch.....that I don't.


And as others have said....less watching, less buying.

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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

The hosts were laid off, in the group of 400.  Plain & simple.


Just yesterday, Carolyn mentioned her upcoming swim wear shows, new pet products, and livestreams -- yesterday.  Dan has said multiple times before that he was very happy to still host at QVC.


People get laid off.  There's no shame in it, it's business.


If they took a retirement package, there would have been forethought, and a Good-Bye to their viewers before their last day.  Carolyn especially would not have been talking so much about her upcoming shows and products. 


A lot of QVC vendors, who worked with them closely, are expressing shock that they are no longer with QVC in their posts.


Qurate cut positions by looking at the numbers.  They have to answer to both corporate shareholders and provate shareholders.  It's done all the time.



And those are among thousands of comments on each of the former hosts' pages expressing sadness about them leaving.


I wonder how many of those people will reduce their purchases because their favorite hosts are no longer on air.  Will the new direction QVC is trying to take make up for that?

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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

@Kachina624 wrote:


@Effie54 wrote:

And they kept Shawn and Jane....go figure! 

@Effie54    Shawn and Jane either were not eligible for or rejected retirement.





I can't find where they were offered retirement incentives.....the post that someone shared supposedly from Dan did not infer it was his choice at all.


Where did you see that?



My DH school offers early retirement incentives to get the top tier pay teachers out.

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Re: No Caroline and Dan. No more orders.

@stellabystarlight wrote:

Maybe they received packages and couldn't refuse the offer.

Now that could be. If so, good for them.

BF is retiring end of March. He had been hoping previously to that they'd do a layoff and he'd get the package a lot of others did in the past two years, but timing didn't work. So you get to a point and if that's offered you figure it's time. Hopefully, that was it. But I'll miss them both...both easy to watch. I especially thought Carolyn was great presenting anything.