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Posts: 7,575
Registered: ‎09-22-2017

The show is stale.


I no longer watch.


I hated that alarm sound too.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,385
Registered: ‎10-04-2010

I agree with hating the alarm clock.   I also agree about Leah's cackling abd stammering.   I used to really like her.  Now I can't even stand to look at her with all her layers making her look even bigger than she is.   Why does she insist on wearing so many layers.  Is she trying to cover up her weight gain.  It's not working.  It's doing the opposite

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Registered: ‎03-25-2011

The cackling has become worse lately, plus the laughing for no reason

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Registered: ‎06-06-2012

@Teddixat wrote:

I agree with hating the alarm clock.   I also agree about Leah's cackling abd stammering.   I used to really like her.  Now I can't even stand to look at her with all her layers making her look even bigger than she is.   Why does she insist on wearing so many layers.  Is she trying to cover up her weight gain.  It's not working.  It's doing the opposite

I stopped watching Leah for these very reasons. I tuned in for a quick Q check on Saturday and there she was standing with her leg crossed again. I don't know if she does this to make herself appear thinner, but she looks silly. Like she has to go to the bathroom and is trying to hold it. I'm afraid she's going to tip over one day.