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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

Another thing is ahe does not sell to us. She very rarely looks at the camera. It is always you know David. I refuse to buy any L&L if the presenter is not looking at the camera and selling to we the customers.

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

@Haoo wrote:

Can someone at QVC advise Patti to take it easy when using "...and you know what?" This is way too much of hearing the same phrase over and over and over when trying to enjoy the presentation. Thank you.

@Haoo I considered making the same post.  When I watched her recently, she actually said, "You know what?" four sentences in a row.  Do these people ever go back and watch themselves, or have any family member or friend who can gently make suggestions?  I know it is not an easy job, but I think they can do better.

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

@sylram OMG, I heard her say that at least 2 times today.  WOW simple minds.

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

I think she actually cut down on the you know whats. She's so anxious to cut in to the host speaking and makes a funny pruny face when she isn't.  I don't think she likes her job. Please do us a favor.

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes wrote:

David actually mentioned legal paperwork?


That's remarkable!


And I don't believe it for a West Chester hot second. 


@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes  What was David referring to? 

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

I would think they would have coaches working with these presenters to work out the kinks. Almost all of them have their repetitive lines that they say over and over.  Maybe they do this because they can't think of anything else to say.  If I had a nickel for one host saying "um" every other second I would be rich.

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

Yes indeed! Totally agree.

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes Sorry, I was paraphrasing from what I remembered from a couple weeks ago.


I went back and watched the video. (L&L Mini Zens)


He uses the term "legally". What else could he mean but signing contracts (paperwork)? You tell me.


The video can be seen on QVC's YouTube channel where he says it, the 4:50 mark. It's from 2 weeks ago during David's 30th anniversary show.


I thought it odd when he said it, that's why it stuck with me. Seemed a weird thing to bring up with Patty standing there.


There was another poster who heard him call Patty the  "interim" lock n lock rep recently, too.


Looks like she's on her way out (maybe she will fill in here or there but I don't think she will be the face of the product like Chris Pryme was).


Some screen shots with closed captioning:


David, "We do have a new lock n lock guest coming in the new year.  We have our fingers crossed and hope everything gets worked out legally".


Facebook rumors of it being a former QVC host 🤷









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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

As of right now, the video is available to watch on 


The item number is K51463.

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Re: L&L ",,,and you know what?"

@HaooShe also "LOVES THIS ABOUT IT" and says that about every item which amounts to a lot of times.  I try to record the L&L shows and am not interested in the presenter.  I am familiar enough with L&L to know what it does and how it can be used depending on whether it is glass, tritan or the plastic.  I watch about the first few seconds to hear the sizes and then fast forward to see what the items are.  If I need additional info, I go to the product page.  A new brand ambassador would be refreshing!