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@retiredatlast wrote:

I have responded to many posts about the half tuck.  I also am not a fan.  My concern about it on QVC is that the consumer is trying to get a view of the item on air, and if it is tucked in, there is no ability to see the length of the item on the models and how the item really hangs on the body.  If you do a half tuck, then have another model showing the top untucked.  Not everyone wears the half tuck and many of us want to see how the item looks unfurled.

I have usually seen a top where its shown on a person in the half tuck where someone else wore it outside the pants. The item is then shown by the host on hangers in all colors. 

Knit picking.

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I am a proud half-tucker. Woman Wink

~ "Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth." ~ George Orwell, 1984
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I just think it depends on the person's body shape  Woman Indifferent

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@RollTide2008 wrote:

@nascarfan wrote:

I subscribe to countless magazines and order from many online retailers and haven't seen the half tuck in any of them.


In the last two days, I've had emails from Talbots, Old Navy, and Target.  All had an example of a half tuck.


Exactly.  Anyone can look online today and see many half tucks on Eddie Bauer, Nordstrom, LLBean, Anthropologie, Land's End, Soft Surroundings, etc.


It's not a QVC trend.  It's been in the fashion lexicon for styling tops for nearly a decade.  Perhaps not the more conservatively-styled fashion shops.  But definitely most other retailers will have some of their tops styled half or quarter tucked.


Posts: 24
Registered: ‎05-21-2018

I find it annoying when they do the half tuck, when you are trying to see what the item looks like and can't because of the half tuck.