Posts: 23
Registered: ‎06-05-2015
I find it amazing the prices QVC charges for food. I mean, 70.00 for 14 3.5oz crustless quiche! Are you crazy.!? I make egg cups in cupcake tins. Not even 10.00 for 24. Come on, are people really that lazy and rich?😲 If you do the math on food products, everything pans out to $20/lb crazy for stuff you can buy in the store or easily make!
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Re: Food prices

[ Edited ]

@hbdreamin  QVC must be getting orders for its food offerings, because they keep getting repeat orders for them. They often sell out on air. If people are willing to buy the food over and over (I read the reviews), I'm not going to stop them. We can all choose how we spend our money and time.  By the way,  I also make the mini quiches in my Temp-tations muffin pans. I use 12 eggs, some spinach, ham and a block of cheese. They take 10 minutes to make and 20 minutes to bake. 

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I don't think you've seen the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog with the food prices in there, they are about the same of what is being charged here.


You have to take into account all the people who call in and say I want my money back.  Who pays for that, the food supplier.


You have to take into account the free shipping, nothing is free, the food supplier is paying for that.


You have to take into account the people that are preparing the food, they don't work for free.


You have to take into account the cost of the ingredients, huge increase in eggs milk and al dairy


You have to take into account the "cut" the Q gets for "taking orders" and to cover the production costs, thats not cheap


So, whatever they are charging is just about right.


Please note there are plenty of people who can't even crack an egg


Also note there are plenty of people with disposable income.

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Mini quiches sound delicious.  I never thought to make the small ones.  I’ll have to try making them soon.

I would not buy the quiches on qvc since I can make my own or buy them at the grocery and they are quite good.

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I can only speak for myself and my reasoning for OCCASIONALLY buying an over-priced food item on the Q.  I cooked 2 to 3 meals a day almost every day  for probably 48 years (we rarely ate out), and I am just not infatuated with cooking anymore!  


So for an item like the scallops, or the Prindables apples, or the steaks,  I will sometimes order those because I know I won't look for them or find them in my local grocery store


Just my sad story!  LOL


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Registered: ‎10-16-2021

I am glad to see that I am not the only one who is dumbfounded by the cost of the food

items on QVC.  They just presented TWO 2 lb. sous-vide pork roasts on air and the cost per pound came out to $21.66!!!!!   For PORK!!  I live just outside of Boston, and the word "inexpensive" is not ever utered around here...whether it be food, clothing or shelter.  The price of food on QVC makes shopping in Boston look like the 1950s!

I know that sometimes there are occasions when a particular item is so special (and the occasion may be extra special as well) that one bites the bullet and springs for it.

But from the meats to the cookies if you take just a moment to gague the per pound price it is both shocking and sobering!  I enjoy a lot of the food shows for the menu ideas, but 

I will never be at my door waiting for the Brinks truck to deliver my roast!

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@Just Bling the cost is "just about right" no it's not. It is outrageous, but if that is how someone wants to spend their money then so be it. There is not one thing you can do to a  quiche, to give it a value of $70!