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I understand and accept there will be delays in shipping.

What I do not understand is why QVC cannot give a reasonalbe

arrival date. 

I would rather they gave an accurate date, than anticipate the arrival date

only to constantly receive an email saying it will be late.  Usually very late.

Seems it could save the Q some time and effort also.

I might add that Amazon seems to have mastered this???


Honored Contributor
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@MAIZEY I don't know why -  no one of us does.  But I have 2 thoughts -  one is that hundreds of thousands of us are still getting what we order on or even before the date promised the day we agreed to order.  


The other thing I keep in mind is that Amazon is worth more than 100 times what QVC is.  They earn over a billion just from the Prime fees and more billions from their services like cloud storage.  None of that money comes from selling us clothes and jewelry and household items, but it does mean they have money to spend on shipping that other companies do not have.


So --  I know why I don't compare QVC shipping  to Amazon.  What I don't know is what company I might compare them to  -  if I were shopping much and needed to know.  



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In general I don't believe we should compare QVC with Amazon.  Their business models are different on many levels.


On the other hand I completely understand and agree with the frustration on delayed shipping.  It should not take a week or more for something to leave a warehouse.  I placed an order a QVC July 5 which hasn't shipped while every other company I place orders with ships within 24 hours.  Literally I placed orders with Esty and several other companies and received shipping notices later in the day.


QVC needs to work on how they manage the order process from receipt through shipment.  If the order is shipped quickly then it is the responsibility of the shipping company to manage the delay but many QVC orders are delayed getting to that point and I don't see a reason for that.

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎08-23-2011

Funny,I just received a top I ordered June 14.  It only took a month.  However, the Q did send out another one and I received it in a normal time frame.  My tracking always says delivered to local post office but postal worker says the problems have been that UPS Smartpost drops a ton of packages for mailman to deliver and my item was not even on the manifest of packages.  I am not sure what is happening.  Very frustrating though.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎10-26-2010

@MAIZEY. Not really sure what's going on with the Q.  Some items arrive very quickly; others are floating around at who knows where.  Trying to reach anyone in cs by phone is nearly impossible.   I ordered 3 items at the same time, all clothing.  Two have arrived, in separate envelopes; the 3rd is supposed to be at a PO in NJ.  It's been there for quite some time.  

Not comparing to Amazon,  however, another shopping network has free shipping and orders are delivered in 3 to 5 days!!!  Logistics at the Q needs some serious overhaul. 

Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Delayed Shipping

[ Edited ]

I think the problem QVC is having is pretty much unpredictable so they can't give accurate arrival dates.  Much of their merchandise is imported and there have been serious interruptions in the supply chain.  Plants have been shut down or manufacturing slowed due to illness and problems getting supplies.  So a manufacturer estimates the arrival of the Q's orders but misses the date, maybe several times.  My guess is that shipping from overseas is also in chaos, as it is here.


What a colossal headache this must be for buyers and expediters.  There is not much they can do but patiently (or not) wait.  I can only imagine some of the conversations that transpire. 


The older merchandise doesn't seem to be affected and most of mine has shipped in about 48 hours....getting it to my house has been a struggle, however 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎07-10-2020

I have learned the hard way that ordering clothing from QVC will now take anywhere from a month to six weeks! I currently have an order that was supposed to be transferred from this UPS Mail Inovations to USPS on JUNE 25th (in Butler NC). There is a USPS tracking number, but USPS has yet to recieve the item. These are D&C gauze pants, sure hope they show up before summer is over! I had the SAME problem with a shirt I ordered in May. Finally called Customer Service and they sent out another shirt (supposed to be overnight that actually took 3 days) The day after I got the replacement shirt the original one showed up. Hmmmmm.... I was nice and sent it back. Ordered some Beekman stuff on June 30, same shipping process, that came last week! I will not be ordering anything from QVC until they get this shipping snafu worked out! I could care less whether it's a Mail Inovations issue or USPS issue. QVC has CHOSEN to use this method to ship so the buck starts and stops with THEM!! 

Occasional Contributor
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Registered: ‎01-06-2011

I'm done!  Clothing seems to be huge issue.  I ordered a top on a debut designer show on June 12th. It had an estimated arrival date of JUNE 25.  As has become typical, the card is charged and I am unable to cancel as time continues to tick by.  I monitored the shipping (shown below).  I'm in AZ.  California is next door.  This did NOT travel across the country as you can see.  I do not have this issue with any other seller - Etsy, Macy’s, etc.  -- frankly, over a month from the order date with stock available and no ability to alter is unacceptable for me.  I'm a long term customer to QVC and the shipping charges don't transfer to a loyalty customer methodology, plus the added length of time. Something needs to change or I would assume they will lose added customers.  


Valued Contributor
Posts: 559
Registered: ‎05-19-2014

Oh I don't know.The arrival date they gave me was June 30th. I still don't have it. It's sitting at a PO about 50 miles away. Told them today I didn't want it anymore. Ordered it June 13th!

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 11
Registered: ‎01-23-2017

An item I ordered on 6/18/2020 still hasn't arrived as of 7/20/20.    The tracking info appears to indicate that packages stop at a regional post office hub & then sit there.  I do think QVC should have an idea by now of what type of items/shipping are being delayed, and to be more forthright about actual delays.

