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What do yall think about vendors covered with tattoos?
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@Razzle dazzle1234 wrote:
What do yall think about vendors covered with tattoos?

While not a fan, to each their own.

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Why do you ask?

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It's nomb what others do with their bodies. In other words, I don't care.

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If you look it up, you will find the topic of tattoos has already been discussed a few days ago, with varied opinions, much like many other topics here.  


Basically it resulted in, who cares, to those pro tats and those who really dislike them. Discussion results were much as one would expect, for such a topic.


Younger folks are much more accepting of tats, so the times are changing, with employers making exceptions to appearance codes. It's best for us to roll with it, instead of picking teams. 


Super Contributor
Posts: 257
Registered: ‎12-14-2015
Ok sorry didn't know
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Registered: ‎12-14-2015
What was nameof topic
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@Razzle dazzle1234 


This is the previous discussion about tattoos. Just click on it and you can read what others said.

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It's like asking what everyone thinks of someone wearing jewelry, hair colors, style of clothing, etc.  It is a personal choice.  The only thing that matters is that they are doing their job!!!!