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Re: A serious suggestion for QVC

The lawyers would chew over the script till it was like a dried up tumbleweed.  No substance.  No joy.  No enthusiasm.  They might offend someone.  HAHA

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Re: A serious suggestion for QVC

I hate HSN presentations.  I stopped watching HSN after a very brief time years ago.  I prefer QVC's style, even though I may have issues with a few hosts.  For the most part, I like the presentations.  Just need more sizing information that's all.

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Re: A serious suggestion for QVC

Q made more money when we had true designers.  Q has lost the "special treasure" aspect!  Special is rare here.

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Re: A serious suggestion for QVC

I read your post to the end and thought for sure she will say, just kidding. But no, you are serious. Why do you bother to watch at all? Just go on line if you want to check out a product. And yes, the old remote control  can whisk you away to another channel. I guess many of you are watching on your phones or  tablets, etc I used to watch entire shows back in the much easier now to check what is on, if I am not interested, I move on. Sometimes I watch BECAUSE OF THE HOSTS!!!! Antonella has been on the jewelry shows this week and is just a delight to watch. She loves what she does. You would prefer a scripted speech with a teleprompter??????


I am not a fan of SK and try not to watch her, but hope she is ok and on vaca or something.


Some of the remarks posted just mystify me.......

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Re: A serious suggestion for QVC

@Pook wrote:

Any claims have to be vetted by Legal so they already know what can and cannnot be said!


Also, a poster said that there are studies that show that for each complaint it represents a larger amount of people who have complaints -  But most often there are way many more that do not agree with the complaint so the same ratio must be used with the result that the complainers are still the smallest minority!


All claims "have to be vetted by 'legal'"? Really? Says who? Says where?


There have been multiple complaints I've read here about misrepresentation of material facts about products sold on QVC, and those misrepresentations were made orally, by vendors and/or hosts, and in the written word, on In one case, with IT's "Illumination" products, it was also in print, in the Insider. Recently, there was discussion of the description of vacuum storage bags as being made of "canvas," which were in fact not.


There is no evidence that "legal" is vetting anything having to do with product specs. Until masses of people demand to be made whole on returns of  misrepresented goods--meaning QVC eats shipping both ways, because you shouldn't pay to have misrepresented products shipped or pay to return them--THEN we'll see some tightening of standards.


The majority of complaints about QVC hosts and vendors are stylistic. They're catering to the cult of personality, and it appears to work more than it fails.

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@CalminHeart said in part:


"Read posts on these forums.  People expect hosts to talk a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, behave a certain way, sit a certain way, wear different clothes, etc.  Look at people in the public eye."


They expect FEMALE HOSTS "to talk a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, behave a certain way, sit a certain way, wear different clothes, etc." I can't remember reading anything negative about the male hosts in terms of their appearance here. Usually it's gushes over the Popaj fellow, if anything.


What ails QVC is forums where women indulge in cattiness verging on misogyny, and QVC's presentations are just mirroring the cultural brawl we call America. Tuning in to either doesn't mean accepting their standards, but neither is likely to change.

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Re: A serious suggestion for QVC

@misschristy wrote:

The lawyers would chew over the script till it was like a dried up tumbleweed.  No substance.  No joy.  No enthusiasm.  They might offend someone.  HAHA

If lawyers are vetting the scripts, those lawyers should be fired.

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: A serious suggestion for QVC

@ECBG wrote:

Q made more money when we had true designers.  Q has lost the "special treasure" aspect!  Special is rare here.




QVC has never offered "special treasures" for me - but if they ever did for some, those days are long gone as well as permanently gone.


The only way they can profit in today's market is to sell outdated, bought-in-lots-from-mfg electronics paired with Chinese accessories at inflated prices, or selling house-brand clothing (including "purchased designers" like IM) or jewelry that's had the materials and quality control stripped out to cheapest possible. K-Mart clothing at quasi-designer prices.


I don't know how they manage the cosmetics and skin care specials, which are good, genuine sales. It says a lot about company markups :-(

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@noodleann wrote:

@CalminHeart said in part:


"Read posts on these forums.  People expect hosts to talk a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, behave a certain way, sit a certain way, wear different clothes, etc.  Look at people in the public eye."


They expect FEMALE HOSTS "to talk a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, behave a certain way, sit a certain way, wear different clothes, etc." I can't remember reading anything negative about the male hosts in terms of their appearance here. Usually it's gushes over the Popaj fellow, if anything.


What ails QVC is forums where women indulge in cattiness verging on misogyny, and QVC's presentations are just mirroring the cultural brawl we call America. Tuning in to either doesn't mean accepting their standards, but neither is likely to change.


I completely agree with you.  Misogyny does not belong only to men.  Too many women are no better than the others who physically and verbally assault and minimize women in politics, religion, workplace, and society in general.  Women need to change if they expect their counterparts in any of these areas to change.  A good way to start is to lift up women on these forums, hosts, and others they run into in this thing we call life.