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On May 8, those Sumo guys are coming back. Am counting the days.

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I watched sumo wrestling once and loved it! Much more civilized than boxing

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Thanks for the reminder @Flatbush!




@KBEANS and @qbetzforreal - Are you two in? The Summer Basho is May 8 - 22, from Tokyo.



A lot of my favorites are returning, especially Tobizaru! I wasn't able to watch much of the Spring Basho, but this time of year might be a little easier for me - I hope! 




Broadcast here on NHK.  Smiley Happy




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[ Edited ]

I am anxious to see if Yakazuna, Terunofuji, is returning.  He could not finish the last basho because of knee pain. At least that is what I remember was the problem. He has worked so hard to achieve that highest distinction.

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Broadcast here on NHK.  Smiley Happy



Yes, we get it on that channel too.





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@beach-mom- Thanks for the alert.  I'll try to remember to tune in. Wakatakakage is moving up. Terunofuji didn't do well in March and had to drop out.  Hope he's back.

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My provider doesn't carry NHK. I usually watch highlights on the internet. I can never seem to catch any live action.  My son told me to download the app, so I will try that. Thanks for the reminders @beach-mom @Flatbush