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I love to watch curling.  It's both a physical and intellectual competition.


It's gotten very popular worldwide in the last few years.  The top spots used to be dominated by just a few countries.  Now the field is much more competitive.

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Started watching this and now DH loves it.  IMO it's not really a "sport" but more of a game like pool or bowling.  

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I don't watch curling.  I do wonder why it's on every day.  (12 days in a row, I just read somewhere).  Wonder why that "sport" has to go on for so long?

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@Krimpette wrote:

I don't watch curling.  I do wonder why it's on every day.  (12 days in a row, I just read somewhere).  Wonder why that "sport" has to go on for so long?

It takes time to sort out the field. There's pool play where everyone plays everyone else and the four teams with the best records move on. They then play each other in elimination games. The last team standing wins the gold.

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We got into watching curling a few winter Olympics ago.  When we were working it always seemed to be on when we got home and were having dinner.  We find it interesting, oddly enough.  DH has a vague understanding of it, me, I still don't get it but I enjoy it!


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@gardenman wrote:

@Krimpette wrote:

I don't watch curling.  I do wonder why it's on every day.  (12 days in a row, I just read somewhere).  Wonder why that "sport" has to go on for so long?

It takes time to sort out the field. There's pool play where everyone plays everyone else and the four teams with the best records move on. They then play each other in elimination games. The last team standing wins the gold.

And there are mixed doubles teams, mens teams, and womens teams.  They all go through the above elimination process.



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I have played in the past. There is a curling lodge that is part of the country club that my parents belonged to. There is a curling location that is within about 1/2 hour of my home. It is a sport that I enjoyed . 

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎02-28-2011

It's very popular in CANADA and has been growing in popularity in the US.  My parents were friends with a couple where the husband was a skip.  They lived in a suburb of Montreal.  Growing up near Canada, I watched a lot of curling.  The goal is to get the rock the closest to the center of the rings.  Whichever team gets the closest at the end of the round (called an end) gets the points.  When it's really close, there is a device that looks like a large caliper that goes into a small hole in the center of the rings. Each team member has a different role. Earlier stones are usually guards and the later players try to throw rocks that will curl around the guards or take out opposing stones.  Competitions are called bonspiels.  

There are 2 curling clubs about 40 minutes from my home.  I've tried it a couple of times and it's WAY HARDER than it looks.  The ice is actually a little bumpy.  They spray the ice so little drops form making it bumpy.  One shoe is designed to slide and one shoe has some grip.  There are also rubber overlays that can be put on the push-off shoe to give you grip (or prevent you from falling when walking on carpet).  The stones are actually really heavy.  It's not just the speed you release the stone that makes a difference, but also the spin you put on it in addition to the sweeping.  

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Dang! The USA men's team just got eliminated. Chris Plys was great in the first eight ends, then lost his feel in the last two ends. So, it'll be Great Britain or Sweden for the Gold. Niklas Edin of Sweden may be the best curler in the world these days. I would expect Sweden to get the win, but we'll have to see.

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An amazing women's semi-final going on as I type this between Sweden and Great Britain. Sweden scored four in the first end and things looked dismal for Great Britain, but Eve Muirhead rallied her side and they just scored four back to take the lead in the ninth end. They're now up 11-8 as the tenth end starts. Sweden needs a miracle.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!