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I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

I know there are lots of people here that love them, but I've ordered them twice and had to return them both times (I rarely return anything).


I think they might work well for someone with a high arch.  I have flat feet, and have been happy with Birkenstocks for about 20 years.  The Birks have a contoured footbed, whereas the Vionics simply have a huge bump under the arch.  I literally could not walk across the room in them because it felt like a big rock under my flat foot.  So, maybe if you don't have flat feet like me, they could work for you.

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

[ Edited ]

I bought several pair to try. I cannot wear them. They give me a backache. The arch in some of them is too high for me. I don't like the plastic or hard rubber they are made out of my feet sweat too much. I hate the shiny patent look they have. Makes them look cheap. I do have a couple pair that's leather that I like but hardly ever wear them. I'm sticking to Birkenstock.

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

 I bought a nice thong sandal 3 years ago and still cannot wear the shoes for any length of time.  I like the style and color of my sandal very much, but they are not comfortable on my feet.  I feel they are not for me, and will not purchase again.   

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

I don't wear them myself, but my daughter whom I often shop with, loves and wears them constantly - in fact all Vionic styles.  She purchases hers at Belk and has quite a few pairs of the sandals.  She feels they are tremendously helpfull with her "plantar fasciatis" (I know that isn't the right spelling, but too lazy to look it up!! )  She just purchased a beautiful pair = white with gold studs.  I can say that she has had zero issues with them - they have worn very well and all hers look very good considering a couple of years wear. I think her last pair was in the ninety dollar range, but she was quite willing to spend that much for something she feels positive about.

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

[ Edited ]

@Nightowlz wrote:

I bought several pair to try. I cannot wear them. They give me a backache. The arch in some of them is too high for me. I don't like the plastic or hard rubber they are made out of my feet sweat too much. I hate the shiny patent look they have. Makes them look cheap. I do have a couple pair that's leather that I like but hardly ever wear them. I'm sticking to Birkenstock.


i tried the Vionic sandals but the fit was not good for me. My feet are pretty flat and the arch was too high for me. I felt like they threw my feet out at a weird angle and it made me feel unstable in them. I'm with @Nightowlz and @2blonde, I'm sticking with my Birkenstocks. I REALLY wish the Q would bring this line back.

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

I'm tempted also.  The silver sequined or ikat patterns are nice.  I just worry I might cause a problem if the sandal adjusts my posture and I don't need a correction.  Are these sold anywhere else?

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

I love mine and wear Vionic thongs and slippers around the house because I have Plantar Fasciitis and can't go barefoot. They save me a lot of pain. Only you can decide what's worth it for you.


Some people can't handle the footbed and, as with most orthotics, it's recommend that you wear them only a short time at first and build up. I had no trouble with them because I'm used to orthotics.


If you're not certain, I recommend finding a local store that sells them and trying some on there. (You might even find a sale!) If you like them, you can buy more on QVC when they have good values.


I find Vionics to be hit or miss in fit. I always buy the same size and some of the shoes I've bought have been too big.



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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

@Maltichonmom17 wrote:

@Nightowlz wrote:

I bought several pair to try. I cannot wear them. They give me a backache. The arch in some of them is too high for me. I don't like the plastic or hard rubber they are made out of my feet sweat too much. I hate the shiny patent look they have. Makes them look cheap. I do have a couple pair that's leather that I like but hardly ever wear them. I'm sticking to Birkenstock.


i tried the Vionic sandals but the fit was not good for me. My feet are pretty flat and the arch was too high for me. I felt like they threw my feet out at a weird angle and it made me feel unstable in them. I'm with @Nightowlz and @2blonde, I'm sticking with my Birkenstocks. I REALLY wish the Q would bring this line back.


I liked them at first & thought they were helping. I even bought several more pair. After wearing them for a while I got a backache & did not know what was causing it. It dawned on me every time I wore a pair of Vionics I would get a backache. Each time I try them again I get a backache. I quit wearing them & wear my birks. No backache so it has to be the Vionic sandals. 

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Re: I love sandals and am tempted to spend the $ on Vionics..R they worth the hefty price tag?

[ Edited ]

Contrary to the way QVC and Liam promote them, Vionics are NOT meant for "everyone." If you don't have plantar fasciitis, don't pronate and don't especially need good arch support, there are a lot of "good" shoes that QVC sells (and are sold elsewhere) that will be comfortable.


If you DO have plantar fasciitis, or pronate (or both, as with many people), you will most likely live in them - for most with the two conditions, they are The Answer. If you don't have heel pain or any particular problems, Vionics are overkill.


They are for people with specific issues, whether QVC or Vionic wants to admit that or not. I live in them. Every shoe and slipper in my closet is a Vionic. But I NEED them in order to walk pain-free.

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