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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

On 3/20/2015 Texasmouse said: Ok, this just had to be said: there are no crocodiles in the U.S. They're alligators. Smiley Happy

Thanks for the info Texas. What a relief for Floridians who carry croco bags, LOL! I guess their is no "revenge of the crocodiles" for thm!

I think crocodiles are cuter than alligators myself.

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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

On 3/20/2015 shoekitty said:

Croco bags in Florida???{#emotions_dlg.scared} No wonder the crocodiles come out of the swamp, looking...for their family? Hahahaha{}

{#emotions_dlg.laugh} I posted a similar post last night (reminding the Southern ladies, who carry that type of bag, to be aware of the crocs/alligators/snakes, etc, and to let their bag be a reminder...but I was poofed ! {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

Apparently, SOMEBODY doesn't have a 'SENSE OF HUMOR' !!! {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

On 3/20/2015 Texasmouse said: Ok, this just had to be said: there are no crocodiles in the U.S. They're alligators. Smiley Happy

I know Wiki isn't always accurate but in this case it is accurate. The American Crocodile.

~ "First they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent."~ Bertrand Russell
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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

On 3/20/2015 faeriemoon said:
On 3/20/2015 Texasmouse said: Ok, this just had to be said: there are no crocodiles in the U.S. They're alligators. Smiley Happy

I know Wiki isn't always accurate but in this case it is accurate. The American Crocodile.

I stand corrected, faeriemoon. I was always told that one could not find crocodiles in the U.S. We learn something new every day. Thanks for the link. Smiley Happy
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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

On 3/20/2015 Texasmouse said:
On 3/20/2015 faeriemoon said:
On 3/20/2015 Texasmouse said: Ok, this just had to be said: there are no crocodiles in the U.S. They're alligators. Smiley Happy

I know Wiki isn't always accurate but in this case it is accurate. The American Crocodile.

I stand corrected, faeriemoon. I was always told that one could not find crocodiles in the U.S. We learn something new every day. Thanks for the link. Smiley Happy

You're welcome.Smile

~ "First they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent."~ Bertrand Russell
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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

Hi ladies, I came back to take another look a this thread and want to thank again those warm-weather ladies who have responded "yes" to bringing these types of bags.Smile

Like one poster mentioned, I am used to very specific seasons and types of clothing and bags that "go with" each. I was trying to get an idea of the flexibility in the warmer areas in this regard, although obviously I will wear/bring whatever I feel comfortable with. I was mostly just curious, since where I live croco and suede bags are primarily carried the same colder seasons as coat/sweaters, etc.

I have a large collection of handbags, primarily Dooneys, and have donated a lot at this point (and still have a lot!). Strangely, I don't own a white bag either (one off white), but lots of other shades.

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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

Yes we do have crocodiles in Florida but mostly alligators. I'm not a fan of winter fabrics or materials after about February myself, but I think the bright colored Dooney crocs would look fine. It is pretty much true that there's not really any rules down here but I think we are more apt to switch to "summer" clothes as soon as we can. I don't like white shoes or purses either but I love color. I personally would never carry a brown or black purse after winter but some people do. I would carry light grey. And we do dress for winter in darker colors and winter materials, just not wool. Florida summers are extremely hot as you know so even we get excited for fall and winter and changing up our wardrobes. The key is layering. And by February, we are long over it and ready for spring colors! So bring those crocodile and suede bags. You will use them and not look weird :-)
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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

On 3/20/2015 Texasmouse said: Ok, this just had to be said: there are no crocodiles in the U.S. They're alligators. Smiley Happy


Wikipedia says this about the American Crocodile:


Throughout the Caribbean Basin, including many of the Caribbean islands and South Florida.

Within the United States, the American crocodile's distribution is limited to Puerto Rico and the southern half of Florida, though at least two have been found as far north as the Tampa Bay area.

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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

PS: I am a California native (North Central), and anything goes where I live!! It makes living here fun, since you don't have to concern yourself with what's high fashion or not! If you come here, any of your handbags will be the envy of many! Ha! Smiley Happy

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Re: Do ladies living in the warmer climates carry the Croco bags?

On 3/19/2015 Cathyshopper said:

Hi ladies, I tried to post this over on TPF, but it wouldn't let me start a thread because I don't "contribute" to other threads and just read. Weird.

So here goes.....I'm finally thinking (seriously) of making the move from the cold northeast to somewhere warm year round. Looking over my handbag stash, I have donated a lot, and I am now wondering whether the Croco bags would look silly being carried in the warmer climates.

I have always pulled these out here in the fall/winter, so just wondered what the southern ladies do in this regard.

Hi cathyshopper. You have to belong to the tpf forum to post. It's not "weird." It's very common on forums. This is because there are a lot of spammers out there and if people are members, there are TOS rules that they should be abiding by.

This QVC forum is different, because it's supposed to be based on customers' shopping experiences.