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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

@kittyloo  I hard boil eggs for myself every few days because I eat one every day.  I also make deviled eggs for occasions. However not all of mine peel nicely either. I don't know what the trick is but I don't think it's putting vinegar in the pot or anything else really. I put salt in my pot, also not sure it's hot or cold water to start as I just fill the pot w/water just covering the eggs.


I DO finally have the time of boiling DOWN for the PERFECT cooked eggs - after a rolling boil remove from heat at the end of 6 minutes. Pour off hot water under running cold, sometimes I'll put in ice cubes to end the cooking.


As for deviled, peel them and use them because folks who love to eat them are not concerned at how the whites look. It's just YUM YUM all the way down!


No fretting over cracking your eggs, this is not anyting to fret over!

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

I found a solution. I was watching hsn one day and they had a product that you put the boiled egg into and shake it. There were little points inside the lid or something. Of course, I googled for reviews. And then saw someone just put the boiled egg into a small cup or jar or bowl with a lid and shake vigorously a few times. I tried it and it does work. TIP: Crack the big end of the boiled egg on the counter top first. Put boiled egg into small bowl with about 1/2 full of water. Put lid on and shake. Look at it periodically to see how much of the shell is coming loose. Open the lid and repeat as needed. It might take an egg or 2 to get it down pat. But it does work. I used an old rubbermaid 1/2C bowl with beige lid (see photo). Worked like a charm. Sorry for the long story. Smiley Happy bowl2.jpg.

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

thanks for all the replys. i finally got it finished. wheew! 

did not have the luxury of doing the older eggs. google suggests this is a old wives tale. buy hey, i'm a old wife.

i believe the secret is the eggs must be cold to peel well.  

i would have normally put in fridge overnight, but that wasn't a option. so ice bath it was.  yes, i did have that big glass of wine afterwards.  we are attending a "feast" today.  should be fun.

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

I hate peeling boiled eggs!  I recenlty saw that Kroger sells hard-boiled eggs -- with the shells already removed -- in the dairy case.  There are six in a package and cost more aht I'd like to pay, but it's worth it if I want eggs that look perfect (Christmas and Easter).

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

@kittyloo wrote:

thanks for all the replys. i finally got it finished. wheew! 

did not have the luxury of doing the older eggs. google suggests this is a old wives tale. buy hey, i'm a old wife.

i believe the secret is the eggs must be cold to peel well.  

i would have normally put in fridge overnight, but that wasn't a option. so ice bath it was.  yes, i did have that big glass of wine afterwards.  we are attending a "feast" today.  should be fun.

@kittyloo  I'm really convinced the secret is steaming the eggs because we have tried eveything else under the sun.  That is what the Pressure Cooker does basically, the egg cookers, and the method with about an inch or less of water in the pot.  We just don't have eggs hard to peel from those methods.


Give the pot thing a try!  You don't need anything but a pan and some eggs!  I'll try to find the method online and post.

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

Since hubby knows all there is to know about eggs you should have let him boil, peel and make them.  As for daughter, she should have waited until mom was done in the kitchen.


Hope they all turned out great, chalk it up to a bad day and have another glass of wine.

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

@kittyloo I'm glad you finally got through this! I own an Instant Pot. The way it cooks hard boiled eggs was worth the purchase price! I make them every week for my son to have a breakfast on the go. If it didn't do anything else, it deserves the kitchen real estate! No more tears hard boiled eggs!

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

@kittyloo, of course you know how to boil eggs! Sometimes we just can't can't our fingers under that blasted little membrane covering (or whatever it's called). If that thing won't budge, then forget! I do think there is something in using older eggs. Darn eggs!

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

i steam my eggs PLUS i never use fresh eggs......use older eggs. after steaming, i dunk them in cold water, allow them to cook fully in the refrigerator, then get them out to peel. rarely have any problems.

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Re: ready to explode, so frustrated over hard boiled eggs

[ Edited ]

We cook them in one of those plug in egg cookers. They come  out perfect every time.