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Good morning friends ... cookie, I have to laugh, you say you will be cooler today ... 91! ... that is our high for today and the weatherpeople have all kinds of alerts for "extreme heat" ... I guess that's because we don't normally get that hot ... schools are only going a half day and the town pools are opening up early ... (they usually don't open until the end of June)


walker, how did your Italian beef sandwiches turn out?? your dinner sounds delicious!! ... you know, it's SCC and we can make any kind of Mimosa that we want ... the possibilites are endless with Kool-Aid ... in fact, I have Kool-Aid freezie pops for the kids, we can use those as ice cubes for added flavor!! 😁😂


Shout out to kittyfan ... 👋 hope you are staying well away from Covid.


Kids day tomorrow so I'm off to the store in a little bit (I want to beat the heat) ... and then it's going to be an indoor day for me ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... Lemonade would work too 😄


M ~ you gotta know ... MIMOSAS!!! any way you like it!!


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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☀️🥵...🇺🇸


cookie, you just cooled me off with your mention of "snow and sleet"...HA!  Guess I don't want that either.  But, whoever has control of the weather switches can turn this heat down!! 😆 I'm thinking those Kool-Aid Mimosas might be good after all.....and, yes, to adding extra flavor with those freeze pops, Tootie.  Better buy more! 


Dinner last night turned out real good.  We moved the party to DD's house.  Kids cooled off in the pool and had a lot of fun.  Adults sat poolside and enjoyed it as well...shaded and comfortable.  Almost didn't get there though.....


Yesterday afternoon DH went to go outside through garage.  He hit the automatic garage door button and rumble..snap....a lift spring to door snapped!  Hard to lift on its own.  So, DH called the service company.  As luck would have it, they said they could come out by late afternoon.  Nice guy showed about 3:30; door fixed by 4:30 and we were off to DD's shortly after 5:00.  The fix cost $500!!  😳 Yikes....but that's life today...everything expensive.  I was just happy they could come out right away so guess it was worth it. Whatchagonnado?


Well, better get moving....need to walk early on these hot days....take it easy....stay cool......Happy Tuesday.


👋👋 kittyfan.


N ..... Neopolitan Ice Cream Sandwiches 

         (A favorite of grandkids too but let

          kids have them....I'd finish the box..😂)


NEXT ...... O 









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Good Evening Friends.....had to check in because I will forget by morning...🤣.  Tootie, thinking of baskets have been up and down so much this season it is a wonder they are still flowering!  WIND...HEAT....more wind today and just now one of my pots on deck blew off a table.  That happen recently to another plant too...that one blew down and fell off deck..damaging some stems.  🙁 This time I caught it quick before much damage.  Mama Mia!  Hard to grow plants so far this summer!


Now that you know that important information...sleep well everyone...👋👋 cookie and worries here...just chasing plants...up, down, all around!  Life is so exciting...😂.



O ....... Olive Oil


NEXT .... P



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Good morning friends ... I wanted to hop on early before the kids come ... I might bump into cookie so I'll try to be quick!


walker, yikes! those springs in the garage door are dangerous ... we had one of ours let go one time and it put some pretty good gouges in the wall ... now we have a cable that goes through the spring so if it does let go it can't go anywhere ... I guess everything has gone up in prices and of course, that is something that you had to have done! ... I'm with you on the up and down of the plants ... we've never had to do that as much as we do this year!! ... glad you were able to catch the one before any damage was done ...


Shout out to cookie and kittyfan ... 👋👋


We went up to 92 yesterday 🥵 but around 8pm the winds picked up and we sat out for a little while (just to get some fresh air)


Today we're expecting 88 degree weather ... I've got the sprinkler all ready if were able to get out ... they're calling for thunderstorms (we had a bad one yesterday morning)


Oh well, off I go ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


P ~ Peppermint Patty






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Good morning~ It's Windy Wednesday

                            June 19 2024!


Our title today is for walker and her plants😃🥀 Glad you were able to rescue some from damages.  Wind must go away!!! Queen must have perfect flowers!  Hope your garage door is fixed and nobody got hurt.  We had that happen but it hit the cars only.  Expen$$ive fix.


I am late this morning - slept until 3:30am - nightmare😒  Got up put on another sweatshirt and got Molly her food - and me - Cheerios.  Another DVS day here but we will be much cooler - 82 - with rain this morning and some 10-20mph winds in the afternoon.  I will survive- SCC Strong!💪!!


Tootie, your weather sounds like it will be warmer than Texas!  Hope no humidity with it - UGH!  How are the kiddos?  Fun with Grandma for sure!  Strange weather all around.  Good idea for the garage door - cable in the spring!  


kittyfan, hope you and the doglets are doing well.  Does Holy need a crown?? ha ha😄  gotta love those litte guys💕


                         Have A Good Day!


Passing the coffee ~


P - Pecan Pie      

Q - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☀️🥵....🇺🇸


Happy Wednesday!  The winds have moved on but heat still on...ugh.  Put my baskets on porch up again .....we'll see for how long...🤷‍♀️.


I need to get to store this morning and will try to walk first.

Tootie, have fun with kids.  cookie, I'd be ready to go back to bed if I was up that early.  You'll catch up on rest with UBs though.  👋👋 to kittyfan.....hope you are well since you mentioned Covid going around at SO.


No news for now ...... stay in and be cool....or out in a sprinkler ...😆.....see you later.


Q! ..... 🤔.... Quesadillas....😉😋


NEXT .... R 

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Hello friends ... we had a good day but did not go out for very long ... we took them in the yard this morning because we have some shade then but we only lasted about 15 minutes ... and this afternoon I had every intention to put the sprinkler out but our yard is full sun then and it was too hot and humid ... even LG said it was too hot out!! ... so we made the most of our day inside ...


I just went out on the patio for a minute while DH was watering the plants ... 🥵 I didn't last long out there ... we went up to 92 humid degrees ...


Hope everyone had a good day ... time for a much needed UB ... see you in the morning.


R ~ Rest and Relaxation for the rest of the night ... or Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice


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good evening


The people I know with Covid are back. Haven't heard of new cases. 


I am still eating in.  We have a new neighbor. I am not thrilled as I knew there was a concern from the daughter about the dogs barking.  For the most part they are well behaved. I did hear  Jake this morning and looked out. Neighbor was petting Jake. I introduced dogs.  He has been here for a few months just moved apts. Yes I knew your name. I know your life history bhecis one I could hear across the dining room. We worked at the same agency I think but in different parts of the state. I pointed him out to a brother but he didn't recognize him either.  He knew lots more people around than I did.


Brother is helping me with a sticky situation. This involves my home which I still am maintaining. 


Brother said its raining heavily there but he is higher up.  Vehicle is gassed up.  Since he maintains two residences doesn't need to pack except for wife and dog. 


Brother will be in next week.  Lots of appointments. 



Raining here earlier but seems to have stopped.


R:  rhubarb pie


S:  next




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Good morning ~ It's Going To Be A  Tolerating Thurday June 20 2024!


More chapters for your huge book kittyfan!  Hard to believe someone would complain about such cute little doglets.  I am sure Jake and Holly are very well behaved and adorable as well.  New neighbor at SO - No COVID.  Glad you brother is back and can help with your sticky situation.  Such a teriffic guy!✨✨  


Tootie, you are warming up - 92 humid degrees!!! - sounds like Texas.  We will be a cool 87 with occasional rain showers this afternoon  - you win!!!😄 


DVS here today.  Got some of the laundry done yesterday but forgot I put it in the dryer!  Always do when I start laundry late in the morning.  Oh well, sheets are clean and folded.  Yesterday one of the horses was rubbing arond on her back - so fun to watch.  Dogs do it but I havent seen many horse do it.  She probably didn't realize her back itched due to the grasses she was rubbing on😮 😄


Shout out to walker ~👋👋🥂🍹🌷 


Passing the coffee ~

S - Snow Peas

T - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... cookie, that must have been fun to watch the horse scratching her back ... I've never seen a horse in any other position than standing/walking ... lucky you!! ... I think eventually you would have missed those sheets or you would have found them the next time you used the dryer 😉 ... I know you Texas ladies are used to this heat (like walker and I are used to cold/snow) but ugh!! 🥵 we have one more day to go through this heat and humidity and then it starts to "cool" down into the 80's ...


kittyfan, I hope your DB can help you get your sticky situation taken care ... in fact, I'm sure he will!! 😁 and the dog barking situation?? someone is always going to complain about something ... but, I would think that he/she would have known there were dogs in the SO and could have maybe waited for a place not near the dogs ... oh well, you can't please everybody and I know you would not let your pups bark consistently!!


Shout out to walker ... 👋


Today LG "graduates" from daycare to Pre-K ... we'll go to that this afternoon and then we're having a cook out at DS's!!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


T ~ T