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Good morning. Yes I still keep in touch with my sweet Kristin. She is a special gal.

They had Thanksgiving at the Cafe. I know it was tasty. But. I has another plan.

Checked mail. Jury summons. Oh no. Done lots of just duty. Last time nit seated. Sounded boring as heck. Lawsuit with lots of medical bills or do we were told.

A: apple cider

B: next
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Hi there.....oh dear, Jury Summons, kittyfan.  I am assuming you can probably be excused if a certain age ?  Fortunately, I haven't received any notice for several years.  If I do, I'm hoping being "senior" status will get me off.  They would not want an older person falling asleep during a trial. 😂


I just finished baking some cookies and always store them in Lock 'n Lock containers.  Awhile ago I bought a set of four square L&Ls with domed lids.  LOVE THEM!  Perfect for cookies or muffins allowing extra space on top with the dome shaped lid.  Do you have these, Tootie?  Good for anything really.


I bought some Christmas cards and then saw "Made in China"....darn!!  I try to avoid that but hard to do.  I like the cards so may have to let it go.


Back to laundry room.....see you later.


B ..... Butter


NEXT ..... C 

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hello friends ... ugh kittyfan, jury duty? ... I don't know where you would have to go but our courts are downtown and a big pain to get to and to park ... maybe you won't have to report.


walker, laughing at your comment about "an older person falling asleep ..." ... I don't have the domed lids lock and locks but they do sound nice for muffins and such ...


cookie, hope you had a good day ...


Have a good night ... see you in the morning.


C ~ Candy Canes




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I should be able to use age card. Falling asleep or having to do potty break!!!!

My water bill has been all over. Finally found outside faucet dripping. I thought I heard something yesterday but confirmed it today. Plumber on my schedule. Not using one I had used previously. Spread the money around!!

Coffee pot is on.

Z: zippy d o da what a beautiful day

A: next
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]


Good morning ~


Great Z kittyfan 😊🌸!  It was a beautiful day.  Yuck - Jury Duty😣 I think the age card is 72+ - not sure anymore but I haven't received a notice for over 12 years.  I can relate to the falling asleep and potty breaks too.  Hope you don't get called to go.🤞🤞


Tootie, I like Lock and Lock  too.  I had a couple of the individual muffin ones with the domed lid.  Moved in with DD and oops - GONE.  I did give her the large square divided one with the inserts and she actually used it for her salon's Thanksgiving celebration.  It is a great one to have for food or supplies.

I agree about courts being downtown and hard to get to and find a parking spot.  No thank you. I am speaking from my CA experience but imagine Austin would be just as difficult.  Wonder if it's done on purpose??😄😬


walker, I had no idea cards were made in China.  Are they paper thin?  Good thing you like them - not fun to be out the $$.  I also try to avoid  anything made there as well - previous bad luck experiences.  


Another nice day predicted today - 77 - little to no rain.  Received a very nice letter from my Ex appreciating all the work I have done and do for him. Reminded me that I have a couple of more "translations" to get done😄 Start early - enjoy UB's afterwards😊


Passing the coffee ~


A - Artichokes 

B - next 

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... kittyfan, ugh! now you need a plumber to fix that drip ... hope you're happy with the new one ...


cookie, I know you do a lot of work for your ex ... so nice that you have such a good communication with him ...


Shout out to walker ... 👋


We'll have a mild 47 degree day but winds will pick up this afternoon ... I'll continue to dig out my indoor decorations today ... and guess what?? I never did anything with my village pieces that I was going to donate ... ugh!! I guess life just got in the way ... 🤷‍♀️ ... out of sight, out of mind ... so true!!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


B ~ Blueberries


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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️


Happy Tuesday!  I'm a little late today because DH had an early appointment so I ate breakfast and got him out the door!  👏😄 Now I can enjoy coffee with you!  

kittyfan, glad you caught that drip outside!  I laughed  at "spread the money around"...good idea!  

cookie, how nice of your ex to take time and send a letter to you.  It is nice to feel appreciated.  Also, very nice that you both maintain a friendly relationship.  👍


Pretty funny, Tootie, about your village pieces still waiting for donation!   Maybe this year?  Or save for LS?


I will pack up my Thanksgiving things today and start to pull out a few Christmas decorations.  I am not sure how much I want to get out since we will head to Florida for Christmas.  We'll thing may lead to another....and another, etc. 😅


Well, better move on.....I see we jumped track a bit here but Alphabet Police did not catch it!  Ha! A Holiday Pass! 😁  I did like your Z though, kittyfan.  

Have a good day.....bye for now.


C ...... Cinnamon

NEXT ..... D 



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Posts: 4,076
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Good evening.

Got excused from jury #uty. Hot referral for xray and drs apt.

Walker: I didn't realize you and Desi were traveling to FL. Road trip or flying.? You have certainly traveled this year.

Tootie: Christmas shopping is such fun for the littlest. Nice to be done

Cookie: weather man says winter returns. But no snow!!!

I quit the ladies group saying I don't drive at night which is true. Chri d toad party is tommorrow night. I fudnt go last year aa I was tried of tge cliques. No effort to make room to sit down.

Coffee pot ready

D: dates

E: next
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~

Hurray kittyfan! You got excused from Jury Duty😊 Good reason to leave the ladies group. I don't drive at night either. Hope your hot referal with the doctors and x-rays go well. Quite a change in our weather - yesterday very warm and now back to the 50's 😕 Good luck with that drip (not Cousin Eddie😄)

walker, you and Desi could form your own traveling circus of sorts.😂😁 Hope the weather in FL doesn't disappoint. Who knows with this crazy weather?

Tootie, good luck letting loose of your village pieces. Hard to let go of emotional cement and why, when you do, you wish they were back. I had some pieces until the cats (had 9 at the time)found them quite fun to play with. No more villages for me.

Lab this morning. They open at 7 and I plan to be the first in line😄

Passing the coffee ~

E - Eggs Benedict

F - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,863
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... kittyfan, glad you were excused from jury duty ... a big load off of your shoulders! .... and leaving the Ladies Group was probably a good idea ... driving at night is tough and having cliques is even worse!!

cookie, hope you are in and out with your lab work this morning ... yikes! I can just picture the cats getting into your village ... that would/could be disastrous!

walker, I guess we did skip a lot of letters yesterday ... good thing we got a pass or someone would have been in jail on that one ... 😉😂 ... you have certainly traveled a lot this year but how fun to get to see your DS and family in Florida for the holidays and you'll get to enjoy some nice warm weather.

We're having a very windy and rainy day ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing.

F ~ French Toast