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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  🥳🎉🎈


Party day is here!  Taking off soon...✈️....I'm told party bus is decorated and ready as well.....could be a slight problem....have been advised that our driver's name is "Edward"...😳.....I said NO EDDIE....but was told...No, Mam, his name is Edward.....that is what he goes uniform and all....nice guy and says he will take good care of you ladies! 🤞🙄


cookie, cute pic and love the saying too. Tootie, thanks for including Quiche on did you know? 😂 And, glad LG and LS did not wear you out last night!  Such cute ages!


Well.....time to take-off....have ☕️...but ready for those mimosas.  kittyfan, DW on its way ready.   Bye for now.....✈️

S .... SCC Birthday Bash!  Celebrating four special ladies!


NEXT ..... T 




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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Whew ... finally made it home! .. what a fun time we had ... the food and the cake (especially) was delicious!! I'm not sure where things went wrong ... we were in pretty good shape when we passed the PD and were hanging out the windows waving 😄 


When we arrived at the Pumpkin Farm, things started getting bad ... Edward soon became Eddie ... we thought he looked familiar but we just couldn't put our fingers on it. His new uniform was just a Halloween costume and he missed us so much he wanted to surprise us ... boy did he ever!! He even "dipped" into the Mimosas ... at the Farm instead of walking through the maze, he thought it would be fun to drive the bus through it!! ... oh no!! it had started to rain so there were no people in the maze but Eddie plowed through ripping up bushes and decorations!! of course the police from that town were called and took chase to the bus ... Eddie floored it and weaved in and out of traffic coming to a halt at the bus terminal (thinking his bus would blend in with the rest of the busses)  ... we hopped out and ran towards my house ... last we saw the police had the bus circled 😳


Hope you ladies made it home ...


See you later ...


T ~ Thanks for a wonderful time ... 😁


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Oh boy...close call...almost made it away but officers met me at QA.   They questioned me and asked what I knew about the bus incident at Pumpkin Farm.  I said that I was in town to celebrate birthdays with friends.  We wanted to get pumpkins and bake pies for the nice officers at PD. 🙄

We saw the bus and guy driving it looked a little crazy.  I don't know anything about it or him!  The officer said...speaking of crazy you look familiar and this plane also with crowns all over it......We had trouble with someone that looks like you before...AND you had a few crazy friends too.  WHAT!!???  THE NERVE OF YOU!!  You can forget the Pumpkin Pies now!   May I please leave?  Yes, and don't hurry back!  With that I overheard one officer mumble...I know it is her...Queen of the Crazies! They are nothing but trouble!!  The Chief even resigned because he couldn't take it anymore.   I gave an officer my pumpkin and said....make your own pie!  GOOD-BYE!
✈️ took off as Eddie, bus and police escort came along....Eddie yelling....that's her....stop the plane...TOO LATE!  ✈️✈️ ....

Happy Day! Happy Birthday!  Thanks Tootie for delicious BAT and fun at Pumpkin Farm.  They might have to close early for the season now....haha.  Look out cookie and kittyfan, Eddie loves being near you in TX.  He may follow you home. 😆


I need a ..... 


U .... UB!  🤣


NEXT .... V 



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good afternoon ~


What a party!  Food was outstanding and the cake was delicious!  I am pretty sure the bus driver was Cousin Eddie/Edward.  He has been dying to get together with the Crazy Ladies. He has a crush on kittyfan💖. At least he didn't show up in his bus - or did he???  We had to make several  detours to get home as he was following us in his bus, which was hidden behind the PD, from the ground.  I threw a shift on the DW and did some swoops to scare him off, but he took it as fun and worthy of the attention.  He had his eye on kittyfan and almost missed  a couple of policemen waving goodbye to the Chief who was leaving mumbling "crazy Queen in an airplane with crowns on it" "  Crazy ladies, crazy ladies" "What did I do to deserve this?", then crashed into the PD parking lot wall !  I don't think we will be welcomed back.  


Thank you Tootie for the delicious BAT - as always you outdid yourself!!😊✨🥂  So good to have fun with SCC!  The Pumpkin Farm was fun - especially after a few Mimosas 😩😛😣🤤


V - Very good Birthday Bash!  or Velveeta in honor of Tootie  Queen of BAT

W - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Wow what a bash. One for the tried books.

Thanks so much ladies. Laughs snd mimosas. Wonderful cake.

W' waiting for next big Adventure

X' next
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Good morning ~


Stayed in bed for awhile this morning.  I enjoyed the BB so much and am exhausted 💤🥱 Everything was perfect!  SCC does it again!  Went to the kitchen tto get some coffee and what was parked in our driveway?  


                                 Q cousin eddies motorhome.jpg


I went out and woke him up.  He was under the very back seat which had the least amount of junk piled on it.  He had made into a bed of sorts.  Asked him to leave or pay me $$$$.  He was able to start the thing and left mumbling "where's kittyfan?"  "Crazy ladies"   Hope he did not wake the neighbors, his bus chugs,smokes and makes funky noises😫😒


A big shout out to walker and Tootie for such a great day!  


Passing the coffee ~


X - xing out CE             or X''tra sleep, Mimosas and any leftover cake

Y - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... cookie!! after reading your post I almost needed a new computer ... 😂😂


Oh no cookie, Cousin Eddie tracked you down!!? ugh, but glad you were able to shag him along ... I figured he wouldn't pay you anything to stay in your driveway ... he's a cheapskate!! ... watch out kittyfan!! I hope he doesn't find you ... as we all know, he can be very annoying ... 


After such a fun day yesterday, I think we're all going to take advantage of our UB's ...


No big plans for today ... but we'll have a sunny 60 degree day 😎


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


Y ~ Yes, we had a fun with friends yesterday ... or Yogurt




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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🍁🍂



🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.....cookie, what a laugh!  I could just see you yelling at Cousin Eddie too!  OK, so you and kittyfan can keep him in TX now!  LOL!  Lookout kittyfan, he is probably headed your way next!


I slept in today and had a really good night's sleep!  Must have been a "blue moon" last night or all the mimosas and fun yesterday with SCC!  Tootie, thanks for all your good food and "spirits" could open a catering business!  Loved the quiche, of course! 😉   Great celebration with great friends!  Crazy fun for one day...good for us!  Eat, drink and BE MERRY.....we do it well!  😁

It will be cool today (50's) but nice.  We still need to put our deck things away....which means the grill...☹️..but might have DH grill one more time tonight first! 🤞


Hope you all have a Happy Sunday ....keep laughing..."laughter is the best medicine" to grandma's 🍷....😂😂😂.


Z .... Zucchini Spirals


NEXT .... A 




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👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Buffalo Bills!  I was cheering from here, Tootie.  DH just laughs because I get so excited with some football games. We just happen to get coverage of Buffalo vs. Kansas City today.   I yell.....GO BUFFALO!!!  Then when the Kansas City QB looked all sad I would say...TOO BAD MAHOMES!  HA!!!!  Hope Bills do well this know I will be cheering here!


No news.....quiet day....but, we did ....oops...make that DH grilled tonight.....sigh...that's it for 2022! 😕


See you n the morning.


A ..... Almonds


NEXT .... B 

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Congratulations to the Bill's. I don't watch FB so don't know much. Just snippets I hear.

No Cousin Edfie sightings. I think his rag tag van couldn't continue the journey!!

Cookie did you hear our temps will be in the 40s one day this week. Will see. Said front to roll in but hadn't arrived last time I was out.

Grilling season is year around for us. Of course there are trade offs.

Coffee pot ready

B' brioche

C' next