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What a great and fitting graphic. I will miss some of the forums. I checked book club from ice to time for titles. Checked in community and among friends. But we can communicate. I think other are thinking of email. We are ahead of the pack!!

D: doubles on those mimosas.

E: next
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Cookie, your picture sure hit home with us!! Thank you my friend!!


walker,  you are right ... I'm so glad (and I know I keep saying this) that we have our email connection to continue our friendship ... I really don't know how it would be if we were just cut off (like so many will be) with no other means to communicate ... 😲


kittyfan, I bet the PO was glad you only had one package ... I saw on our news that the PO announced that letters will now take up to 5 days to be delivered and packages even longer ... not sure why ... thanks for the extra hugs!! 😄


Have a good night ... see you tomorrow.


D ~ Doritos ... with Mimosas!!



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Good morning ~


I have been reading comments from other posters and found one from Sammycatt in Community Chat that is very helpful if we were interested. There are even directions on how to join.  Started by a poster here. Lots of positive comments about it from those who have joined.  I might take a look at it, but will stay with our group if we all aren't interested. We are united and SCC!  😊


Tootie - a perfect picture!!! Thank you my forum friend 😊💖 I just hope we will be able to communicate on a regular basis.  


kittyfan, Thanks for the extra hugs!💗 I heard about the 5 day letter delivery.  Doesn't it take that long now?  From what I've received and mailed, I think nothing's changed! 😄


walker, glad you are going to the Lake this weekend.  Rest and relaxation is a good thing. ✨🍸


Passing the coffee ~


E - Edamame

F is next



There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... cookie, I also saw that about ProBoards ... I went over to check it out (didn't sign up) I wasn't sure if one signs up how we get to/find the Q site or whatever they will call it ... right now everything is confusing ... maybe once things are settled someone will do a step by step on how to join ...


As long as we all have email, we will be able to communicate every day, all day ... unless we have computer issues ... WE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!!


You're right about the mail being slow now ... I remember when I could send a card to someone and they would get it the next day!! but people just don't send cards much anymore either ... it's either an ecard or text ... times have changed!!


Shout out to walker and kittyfan ... hope all is well with both of you ...


We're finally getting away from rainy weather and heading for a nice stretch of sun and warmer temps ... walker, hope you will have nice weather for your getaway ... we'll have a high of 74 today ...


Have a nice day ... pouring and passing.


F ~ French Fries




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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸☕️🍂🍁



"Forever Friends" is right, Tootie.  Nice pic yesterday.  Thank you!  You are all the BEST friends!!  We will stay in touch!  I will continue to be with you through our emails everyday!  Like kittyfan said, "we'll figure our routine out".   I did look up that information you mentioned, cookie.  How nice that someone is trying to set something up for others here.  I will have to read more on it.  

Time to move forward.  I think QVC is making a mistake.  But, I have let myself get upset enough over it. I will miss the forums.  What is that prayer.....change what you can, accept what you can't and wisdom to know the difference...


Quickly....on mail service....last week I mailed two cards to friend in Michigan for her birthday.  The first I mailed on arrived SATURDAY!  🙄 The second I mailed on arrived THURSDAY!  Go figure!?  Prices go up...service goes down.  More junk mail too.


Something else ....have you been following the story of back up of shipping containers off California?  Bad news! And we have trucking problems here.  I know there has been talk of shortage of toys this Christmas.  But, what about other necessary items?  Think I am going to start picking up extra necessary items again...TP, paper towels, etc.  WINE??? 🤣🤣

Better move along....big grocery shopping today...told DS/DIL I would cater food out for weekend.  We will celebrate DS's birthday.  Weather is looking good too after little rain on Friday morning.  FRIDAY...cookie's day!!!  I'll be here to sing to you before I leave.  Lucky you!  HA!
Then I will be home to sing to kittyfan!  How wonderful for you gals!  LOL! 🤣🤣


By the way, don't forget....Birthday Bash on 16th!  Are we doing the QA Party or something else?  


Well....hang in there...with friendship, hugs and email we will be ok here.  Now I can send more funny jokes and cartoons I get from others.  

Happy Wednesday!  Can't let QVC get us down!!!  I'll be done with the Q but not my friends!!!  

G .... Great Friends!  or Ground Beef


NEXT ..... H 








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Hi walker,


Regarding the Big Bash, you and Tootie can do anything you want as long as there is cakeQ 😄😄 Maybe up in the air would prevent CE from hanging around.  Sure don't think he could get his hands on an airplane!!!


I read through more of the forum info and copied some of the more helpful ones for review later.  As long as we have our other source of communication, I am fine.  kittyfan???


Pouring more coffee and passing ~


H - Halibut with Habanero Peppers

I is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Thanks cookie, I'm enjoying another cup of coffee ... passing the pot ...


I went over to the other site to check it out a little further ... it looks like it would be easy to get through ... however, it doesn't seem like it will be as private as we have now (with just the 4 of us, although others were always welcomed!) I may join at a later time just to be a "lurker" ... I've always enjoyed reading other blogs/forums ... lots of information offered but I never really posted much other than on this one ...


I still think we should email with each other as our means of communication ... and if we each decide to join the other board at some point we may see each other over there too! (but keep our main conversation on email ... just my opinion)


As far as the Birthday Bash ... maybe we could try to do an InAir QA Birthday Bash ... (parachutes required ... haha!!)


I ~ Ice Cream for our Bash




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Posts: 4,159
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Good morning. I took a look at ProBoards. Q forum friends gathering steam. Saw names I recognized. I like Tootie's idea of sharing personal info by email. Just general posting.

I will honor the wishes of the group. We do have the email option which we already set up. FB is not an option. I have a relative who posts way too much personal information.

Walker: oh you are the chef dejour for the weekend. Sounds like a great time.

I have to agree about PO. Slower--oh my.

I am hearing of another school shooting. So sad.

Need to get tasks done.

J: jamming to the oldies at our bash. I am thinking the oldies are the songs we would recognize!!

K: next
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Hi my friends!  UB Time!  Went to two grocery stores this morning to load up for weekend.  I felt like I was shopping for a holiday meal! Ha!  I spent enough for holidays too.  Tomorrow I will do my food prep work.


I heard about that school shooting too.  SAD! What is happening to the people in this country!?!  Going mad!!  Young people too!  I am really concerned for our youth!


It sounds like the move from here to ProBoards is picking up steam!  Good-bye QVC....who needs you anymore?! (I won't even watch unless it is David's show.  Not buying anymore though.)   I agree with all of you.....keep our communications to email as Tootie suggested.  No to FB too, kittyfan!!  I need to look up this new board.  I may sign on to keep up a bit with good people and conversations from here.  I'm so technically challenged I may not get on...haha.


A QA Birthday Bash it will be ladies on 16th with BIG cake, cookie!   Laughing about parachutes, Tootie.  QA will pick up Tootie and we will head to TX for cookie and kittyfan.  And....we will be "jamming to the oldies"!  Good J, kittyfan.  cookie, I am a little concerned about CE.  My hangar people where I keep QA tell me someone called inquiring about flight plans for QA in the next week. way....I am hiring a private catering firm....should be no trouble....🤞🙄😂.


All for now.....see you later.


K ..... Kellogg's Special K Cereal


NEXT ..... L 








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Good afternoon ~  


Q YEAH.jpg


I guess you can tell, I think your ideas are terrific!!!  Can't wait!!!


L - Lemonade Mimosas?

M is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.