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I may be banned sooner than they end the forums...ha!  Needless to say, this recent decision about the boards really "got my Irish up!"....ha!  I've posted a few (🤣) comments.  You know, I am happy we can still communicate with emails, but....there are a lot of people here who really count on the social exchange on forums and are left hanging.  Oh well.....guess Q doesn't care....

Facebook is a mess that is a good option?? No way.


Til tomorrow's well everyone.....


R ..... Rough Day at the Q or RIDICULOUS Move! 
         or maybe.....RUM!  😋👍


NEXT .... S 





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Posts: 5,202
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Good morning ~    or is it?


I am still so angry about the boards being closed, and have been reading some of the comments.  There is a good post regarding where we might enjoy ourselves.  LavernLuvsShoes on Community Chat.  It may be something - who knows.


So sorry to see this forum end.  It was fun and very helpful as well.  Oh well, WE ARE SCC and we can do anything!!!


Shout out to kittyfan, walker and Tootie ~


Pasting on a smile and passing the coffee ~


S - Senseless, Stupid move Q    or Sweet Potato Pie

T is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,754
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... ugh! I was just reading through all the different comments about them shutting us down ... I really hope that the "higher ups" realize that this is a big mistake ... maybe, just maybe they'll have second thoughts ...


I have enjoyed reading in other forums too ... lots of good information ... and I am soooo glad that we have our email communication to continue on with ...


I'm going to go back and see what else is being said ...


Hi to my friends here ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... I'll be back.


T ~ Totally Crazy Move QVC




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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Hi Tootie ~


Just couldn't resist the letter - so I had to agree with your comments.







V - sorry it's the hard one 😄


There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
Respected Contributor
Posts: 7,754
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hi cookie ... love your U!! now, I'll take the V ...




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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸☕️😡



I switched my color to red because I am still seeing RED here!!  But, I smiled and laughed reading your messages.....funny!!  SCC we will always be!!  We have formed a great friendship!  I don't know why they can't just modify the forums...eliminate some...combine some....oh well...the powers that be didn't ask me!!   I have really enjoyed our daily chats as well as reading other areas of interest.  Then I can easily check the Q homepage to see what is on, TSV, etc.  After Nov. 2nd, bye-bye QVC....except watching David...maybe not as often...I enjoy watching him....he truly is a caring person.....makes people smile. 



We will stick together....keeping in touch.....bye-bye Q but not friends!  Sigh....

DH keeps interrupting me here....😡...he is annoying me too...😂....doesn't he realize I am taking care of important business???? 😂


See you all later....should be a lot of comments to read today........Happy Tuesday....QUE-SERA...SERA!


W ....WHAT WILL BE....WILL BE.....


NEXT .... X 









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Posts: 4,001
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Good morning. I have been reading comments. I so agree FB is to open. I hardly ever comment there.

I went to the PO yesterday lady picking up packages. She easily had 20. I was next. I told clerk I had only one! She said "thank goodness" then to bank. They are doing a new buying. Will close the one I was at. I dislike drive in. Always walk in. They remodeled another one which I didn't like. Argh. Hate changes. Then I finally got a hair cut. Long overdue.

X: xtra hugs for alll today

A: next

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Hi my friends.....back to blue because I feel blue...🙁 here has been dark and gray all day...very Fallish.....then coming on here is a downer too.  This too shall pass......really too bad what Q is doing here....oh well...can't keep beating the drum....they aren't going to change.  We will stay in touch so that is good.


Good thing we are going to lake this weekend.  I need some fun.  I unplug from electronics (except phone) there too which is a good thing.  

Bye for now.....thanks for those Xtra hugs, kittyfan!  Group Hug Time!  (((())))😉


A ..... Apples


NEXT ..... B 



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Posts: 5,202
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


In light of kittyfan's group hug, I am sending this ~


Q wish for better friends.jpg


So blessed to call each of you my friend.  💙💜🧡We shall continue on!


Pass the Mimosas please


B - Big glasses for our Mimosas

C is next


There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,109
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

OH, cookie....PERFECT!   Love your cute picture!   Made me smile!!  We will carry on....just in different manner.  Fortunately, we are lined up with our other connection.  Many friends here are going to be cut off from each other....too bad.  I see where some are trying to set up another board.  I'm not interested.  

Down with QVC!!


See you all in morning.  Yes to B!!! Fill them up!


C .... Coffee Cake (w/mimosas..😁)


NEXT .... D