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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hello ... yay!! cookie and kittyfan were able to sign on ...


We had our cookout and ended up coming home a little earlier than normal ... DIL wasn't feeling that great (just tired out) and LG has his molars coming in (not in the greatest of moods today) so we thought it best to come home ... DIL is scheduled for her C section (tentatively) August 4th, unless LS (Little Sister, thank you walker for thinking of that) decides to come earlier.


kittyfan, I know it must have been tough for you to give up your church duties but you have to take care of you first ... now it's time for some of the others to step forward ...


walker, Congratulations to your DH!! 🥇  and Kudos to the others for running/walking 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ ... you might have missed them running in but you did cheer them on!


DM is fine ... cookie, I'm not sure if you were reading an older post or if you misread about "grammie collapsed" ... that would be this grammie after LG left ... 😂


Our Volunteer Fire Department did a Parade up and down the streets in the neighborhood early this afternoon ... the Fire Trucks were all decorated for the Fourth ... We're going to watch the Fireworks (on TV) from the Capitol again this year ... we really enjoyed them last year.


Have a good night ...


Q ~ Quiche for our Queen ... to enjoy with our Mimosas




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Posts: 10,296
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

WHOOO HOOOO...IN ON TWO tonight!!!  Crazy, eh?


Hi everyone.....Tootie, getting reading to watch the Capitol 4th too here.  Hope all goes well with your DIL on August 4th....unless LS has a mind of her own and picks her own date!  Exciting to look forward more month.....PINK begins!


kittyfan, happy you could finally get on.  Glad you resigned from church duties.  Time to "pass the torch" as they say.  They will get by some way....but, you will be missed.


Well, better get ready for the program.  I love anything patriotic!  God Bless America!  🇺🇸

R .... Root Beer


NEXT ..... S 

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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~


I didn't even have to sign in!  Apparently when I hit sign out yesterday, it didn't work, so here I am. Crazy frustrating stuff going on with their IT department.


Tootie, hope your DIL is feeling better.  Dealing with teething babies is not pleasant for everyone.  Love the nickname ala walker - LS. Not much longer now. I did misread the Grammie collapsing - I thought it was you!  I knew it was after LG's visit though.  


walker, I must have been the only one not watching the Capitol 4th.  We did nothing,nada, zilch around here yesterday.  No grill, no dinner - I had an onion sandwich - YUM


kittyfan, you will surely be missed at church duties.  You can't do everything as they seem to have expected.  They will find another and you will get some well deserved rest.


Passing the coffee ~


S - Syrup for the pancakes I want for breakfast

T is next


There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,863
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... I didn't watch all of the Fourth at the Capitol ... I just couldn't get into it ... we had so many fireworks going off in our neighborhood last night .. they all started around 9:30pm and went on for an hour (some even longer!) I've never heard that many go off before in a neighborhood ... DS said they were crazy around him too!


I'm glad that we are all able to get back on again and I hope that the Q gets things straightened out 🤞.


Heading over to DM's later on ... DH is putting in a grab bar for her shower ... she has one already but the therapist suggested another one ... (funny thing is, when DH put the first bar in he wanted to put a second one in and she wanted no part of it!!) ... hindsight - we should have just put it up!


Hope everyone has a good day ... pouring and passing.


T ~ Toast with Jelly

U ~ NEXT ... hmm?

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Posts: 10,296
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸☕️☀️


Two must be my lucky on two tries again today...ha!  cookie, I have had the same problem with "sign-out".  Then I read a tip posted here about it.  After you sign-out you have to clear your history, cookies, etc.

CRAZY!!!  Sure wish they would get this straightened out!

As my DH says...."crank up your patience!" 🙄


Tootie, we had a hard time getting into the Capitol 4th program last night too.  In fact, DH walked away.  I watched but muted portions I did not care for....couldn't figure out why some selections were chosen......but, no one asks me for input....haha!   It was a 50/50 show..50% good....50% ...mute!


cookie, I love onions but they don't always agree with me. An onion sandwich might cause distress.  What's on sandwich?  Mayo? S&P?  Raw, right?  I've heard of tomato sandwiches but not onion.


Well, better get the day started with some breakfast.  Happy Monday everyone!  OH...I have a hard one now....Ummmm.....Uhhhhh.....🤔....


U ...... Unopened Box of Cereal....whew...I need a UB! 😆


NEXT ..... V ...??





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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

UGH!! took me forever to be able to come on here to say hello! So annoying ... at least 6 tries before it finally took!! 😡🤬


We ended up having a very windy and humid day ...


Not much else going on ... getting ready for burgers on the grill!!


Have a good night ... see you later (if I can get on ... ) Gee, I wonder what would go with burgers??🤔🤔








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Posts: 10,296
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Trying as well, Tootie!  But, I got on again in two tries...seems the "Sign On" with the Blogs and Forums gets me on.....why can't this be fixed???  I really think they want us to give up and go away!  NEVER!  SCC and other QVC Posters UNITE!  😂  This is really bad when they cannot even give us any message about problem.  They want money spent on Q but not the trouble of the forums.  Actually, the more frustrated they make customers the less they want to spend!!  RANT OVER!


Found out friends from FL that we visited in late May will be coming here next Sunday overnight.  We knew they might be traveling in the area but just got confirmation.  So, start making my lists....what to do, what to fix, etc.


Windy, warm and humid here too, Tootie.  A/C walk day.


See you tomorrow.....I hope!!!  🤞


W ...... Wax Paper


NEXT ..... X 






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Posts: 4,076
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Let's see if this goes!  Ts day. We were busy bees. Got a lot done in a spite of all the comments from the peanut gallery. It was purge day so we had extra cooks in the e kitchen. We uick go tell us we were doing things wrong. Really. I hav we be r n there from g gr beginning!  Off my d oap boc


Dfoce home in a shower. 


One of the ladies has twin Gds. They are 9 now. Have a pet sirring business. Another lady brought her GDs. They hadn't been able to come since Covid. They were a huge help cleaning our shelves. It nee design to be done. They were able to shop for some cute things. They often get items but they haven't been able to choose their own items for the past 18 months. 


Walker:  how nice to have guests. Yes list ti.ds. 


X:  xtra hugs for all. Sweet dreams with lots of ZZZZs


Y:  next



Valued Contributor
Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~


Another day of being already signed in.  I guess when I signed out, it didn't!  Oh well, I'm here. 


Sounds like you had some good little help at the TS kittyfan.  Sorry about your peanut gallery - there's always some who think they know everything.  Maybe you should get a Queen Bee Crown?  How is the Cafe doing?  Hope things are working well for them.

Q Queen Bee with a crown.jpg


How nice your friends can come for a visit walker.  You are right, you will need lists!!!  


Tootie, at least you were able to sign on!  This is ridiculous!  You can't sign on, I can't sign off 😕  Hope you enjoyed your grilled burgers with or without the weather.  And..... a very unique "V" 😄


Spent the day relaxing and doing nothing afterwards.  DD and SIL layed around too - SIL found some Bull riding on TV and we didn't see him much - just heard his shout outs.  


Passing the coffee ~


Y - Yellow chili peppers

Z is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
Respected Contributor
Posts: 7,863
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... ha! I was already signed on too!! at least I didn't have to start my basketball team up this morning!! 😁


kittyfan, sorry about the "know-it-alls" at the the TS but how nice to have little ones helping out ... I bet they got more done then some of the grown ups!! and then they got to shop ... how fun for them!!


cookie, I like your pharse "spent the day relaxing day and doing nothing afterwards" ... sounds like you had a great day UBing it!! 😄 glad you liked the V ... I did a lot of thinking for that one!! 😂


walker, how nice that your friends are able to stop in and stay for a visit ... get your thinking cap on and paper and pen ready!! I'm sure you'll have a good time no matter what you decide to do ...


We'll have another hot and humid ... high of 83 with rain later this afternoon ... lately, our rain has been hit and miss ... we could really use a good soaking rain.


One of these days we'll be able to get a bike ride in ... I think we've been out twice this year ... it's just too hot and humid to ride.


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


Z ~ Zucchini Bread