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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸ðŸ˜·



cookie, you have had a lot to deal with recently....I recommend unlimited UB time!  Hope your sadness lifts and you smile with special memories.  (((( )))s


MissMadi, DH is thrilled his memory hasn't failed him...yet...haha.  I guess years of Catholic schools with the nuns are fixed in his brain.  He remembers seeing it as they would drive by going to Pittsburgh...big place and said it was called Mount Galitzin at that time.  Hope you are feeling better and it isn't Covid.


Tootie,  we had little snow overnight....coming your way.

Not enough for DH to fire up the snowblower though.


Haircut this morning and I don't like going on Saturdays.  But, I also don't like going late afternoon on Thursday/Friday.  My gal had to change hours.  We'll see ...I feel like I need someone new because my hair just hasn't been looking good to me recently....frustrating.


kittyfan, hope all is well in your corner of TX.


See you all later.


O .... Onions


NEXT..... P 

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Posts: 13,361
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@cookie5.... Special for you!

Cat Memorial Pet Loss Bereavement Rainbow Bridge Fridge Magnet Waiting at the Door





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Posts: 10,231
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

AWWWWW....MissMadi...that is SO NICE!  cookie will surely appreciate it...sniff, sniff....very thoughtful.  Glad you joined our group.


P .... Potatoes


Q .... 🤔 Quaker Oats 


NEXT ... R 

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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

big thank you.jpg

Thank you MissMadi!  I love this and am using it as a screen background.  

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 10,231
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Back again.....forgot.....GO BILLS!!!!  (Tomorrow...GO case I forget).....also....Happy Birthday to Betty White tomorrow!!!!  99!  She is a great lady!  Bet she'll make it to 100...hope so!


R ..... Rice Krispies


NEXT .... S 

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Posts: 4,051
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

argh. Yesterday had no internet service. Today trouble logging in. 


Cookie:. Sending hugs. 


MsMadi:. Love the graphic. Have some waiting for me also. All special in their own way


Lovely sunny day today. Winds not a factor. Need to soak up a bit and recharge. 


J:. Jambalaya


K:. Next

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Posts: 4,051
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

boy did I miss the boat. Not sure what u was thinking. 








Trying again


S:. Splenda


T:. Next

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Posts: 7,823
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hello ... what a super nice poem MissMadi ... I cried as I read it ... sending big hugs to cookie!!


Yes, GO BILLS ... it's a late start ... 8:15pm so I probably won't watch the whole thing ... football games go on forever!!


ugh! kittyfan ... internet issues and signing in ... glad you're back in business... soak up that sun and recharge!!


We're going to pick up a chicken dinner at a BBQ Place that is set up at our Mall parking lot ... just a simple pick up at our car ... it's really good (we've had them before) and no cooking!!


See you later ...


T ~ Tablecloth

U ~ NEXT ... hmm??











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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~  I want to thank you again MissMadi for the beautiful poem. ðŸ’“💓 Every time I get on the computer, I see it and it resonates through me with love and brings tears to my eyes..  I have so many waiting for me.


kittyfan, it must be something going around in TX with all the internet problems!  Glad you were finally able to get on.


Tootie, your chicken BBQ place sounds like a great idea!  Wish there was one around here.


Happy Birthday Betty White.  What a lady! She has long been a favorite of miine.  


Passing the coffee ~


U - UB of course!  That's all I've been doing besides exercises.

V is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,823
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... just got done putting my groceries away ... I like going shopping early, I'm up anyways, so why not get it over with ... not a lot of people to contend with.


Our BILLS won and now we wait for todays game to see who we play ... maybe MissMadi, we'll play each other!!


The chicken dinner was delicious ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passing and getting my seat for Mass ... oh boy! I get the V


V ~ VELVEETA ... Woman LOL