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Hello ... cookie, Bonita is beautiful as is Sophia ... I am enjoying "flying" around on the MGR!! ... and walker, after all of those bumps you picked a good ride today ... sit back and enjoy!! ... I can even deliver Mimosas to everyone!!


Glad to hear that the Great Adventure was a success ... it sounds like they were as cautious as they could be ... I can just imagine when the Amigos saw their mom ... so much excitement ... times 3!! Woman Very Happy


I "flew" off the MGR to get dinner started ... what a fun day!!


See you later ..


R ~ Relish




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Hi there.....sure enjoyed the MGR ride today....what could be better to take away any concerns than riding MGR with friends and mimosas!!?  So far, Tootie's PD hasn't found us having fun...🤣🤣....they might put out an APB for us but, reality is, they want us GONE!!  🤣


This afternoon DS and 3A's stopped over with gifts, what a great surprise....they put rapid fire...two picture collages of the trip out west .....for grandpa to thank him for being part of their trip.  Then they brought me a bottle of wine as thanks for helping prepare food for their trip. sweet and so appreciated.  DH can't stop looking at pictures...wonderful memories!  BLESSINGS!! 

All for today ..... see you tomorrow....



S .... Salmon


NEXT ... T 



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Good morning ~  Wow walker, what a gang of great guys you have.  Bearing gifts and a special collage book.  Best of all wine for Grandma!


I have thought of Tootie's PD for a long time.  I wonder how they are doing?  It would be difficult to annoy them with all the social distancing and masks, but sure would make it interesting!


Loved the Mimosa deliveries yesterday Tootie.  Bonita is a real gem and up for almost anything.  


Taking Ozzy to the Vet this morning.  He has one of his claws that circled into his paw pad - not good.  He absolutely will not let me cut his claws --how they do it, is beyond me  Put on the ole' Michelin suit of armour I guess.  


MGR time - riding on Sylvester the Sea Horse Dragon.  As you can see, he loves fancy things and dresses for Mardi Gras year round.  He as graciously deigned to honor us with his presence today - but only for so long as he has a Salon appointment today.  Must remain gorgeous at all times!

MGR Sylvester Sea Horse Mardi Gras.jpg

He does love his libations especially Mimosas and after hearing all the talk about Tootie's creations, he is definitely ready to go.  


kittyfan, how are you doing at the TS?  Enjoying the Cafe? Lucky you.


Passing the coffee ~


T - Tapenade

U is not next, I'm taking it!     UB's what else?

V is next   hey tootie?

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... oh walker, what a great tribute to Grandpa and Grandma ... the collage pictures were a super great idea!! (and how fast!) ... your DH will treasure that forever ... and while I'm sure you'll drink up all the wine, you can save the bottle!! haha!! ... that really was a nice, nice gesture ... kudos to them!!


cookie, good luck with Ozzy today ... I've always heard that nail cutting is quite the chore ... I hope everything works out ... it looks like Sylvester is ready to party with us ... he sure is a snazzy dresser ...


Our Governor has given go the "go ahead" to open up all the schools for the fall ... they were to have a plan ready to go when/if he did ... but now we have a big school district that (of course) "needs more time" and wants to delay opening for a month ... ugh! not my concern but what were you doing all this time?? .. oh well, time for Mimosas on the MGR!!


I think I'll ride on the Polar Bear today (I know I rode him before but can't remember his name) ... it's supposed to be hot and humid so I will enjoy "swimming with the bears" ... round and round and round we go ...


Have a good Saturday ... pouring and passing.


oh look at what letter I have ...


V ~ Very large Mimosas ... or hmm?? VELVEETA!! Woman Very Happy




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MGR Polar Bear.jpg


Here is is Tootie - Padraic Polar Bear.  Somewhere in his family, there are relatives going back to Ireland, thus the name.  He is a wonderful guy and will do anything for you if he likes you.  He ices skates in his spare time and is quite the skater.


Enjoy him as I'm sure he will love you!  Mimosas?  Try him.


W - Wonderful Very Large Mimosas    great V again Tootie!

X is next






There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Thank you cookie!! Padraic looks comfy cozy ... away I go!!


X ~ Xtra Mimosas for everyone!!


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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸😷


Big smiles following you gals here...😃 are great getting the party started!  And, because I am slow today, maybe I won't BUMP!!! 🤞 cookie, hope trip to Vet goes ok for Ozzy (and you)....laughed about using Michelin Man suit again.


Tootie, I agree with your thought about plans for starting school...powers that be have had since March to think about this!!

Good Luck to all students out there....and, of course, teachers trying to make something work.


kittyfan, how are you?


I better get some mimosas....good U, V, W, X!!!  On my way...joining Sylvester and Padraic..."cool" guys..ha....hopping 

on Wally 🐳 Whale .....we will have a WHALE of a day! 😂


Y ...... YUM...YUM...gimmeee some....mimosas! 👍😆


NEXT ..... Z 





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Your ride has arrived!  Wally is ready to go - hang on he is very slippery.  He loves body oil and has used up his internal supply, so he is very thankful for Bath and Body shops!


MGR Wally Whale.jpg


He will require a giagantic glass container of Mimosas - no metal for him please.  We definitely have a WHALE OF A DAY - thank you walker!


Z - Zooming around on the MGR  or Zwieback 

A is next



There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Thanks, cookie.....Wally was a perfect ride for today....but he does drink a lot....HA...notice mimosas coming out of blow hole? 🤣


How was visit at Vet for Ozzy?


A ..... Apricots


NEXT ....   B 

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Mimosas coming out of Wally's Blow Hole!!!  😂😂😂

He must have polished off a gazillion Mimosas!  Hopefully, he has no problems getting home.  He may end up in the Whale Jail.


Ozzy meowed/howled during the 5 minute drive and then let out a big howl in the office.  Took all of 10 minutes and he is a new man.  Nicely manicured and happy to be home.  I was surprised that it cost so little.  


B - Blow Hole with Mimosas 😂     or Bacon

C is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.