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Good to be home!!!!  But tired....packed a lot in a short time but such fun...great trip except my DIL (from FL this time) ended up in hospital ER yesterday with bad back pains!!  What is going on with my DILs?!  Yikes!  Anyway, more on all this later.  We all checked out today and headed home.  Now DIL has to follow-up with her own doctor at home as tests could not pinpoint cause of her pain.

Just happy DS, DIL and grandsons got home ok.  


I just wanted to say hi but need to unpack and go to bed.  I was trying to log on here yesterday but only had my IPhone with me and had trouble connecting so gave up.  I left my IPad at home.


I will see you tomorrow.....hope you have all been fine....I need to catch up on things here.


B ....BUGS????  UGH!!  RAID!!!!


NEXT .... C

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Good morning ~  WECOME BACK WALKER!!!  That was a quick turn-around.  Glad you enjoyed it and hope your DIL will be okay.  

The Septic Saga continues - the restoration people came out yesterday to assess the situation and asign treatment.  The verdict was rip up the laundry room and back bathroom floors, put in 5 huge turbine fans and close it off to dry out.  It is very loud and warm in that area.  They will be back this morning to check on it.  They were here 4 hours!  


As a suggestion for BAT, how about a welcome home Queen party!  We could invite the local PD and Mr. Briefs??? 


Passing the coffee ~

C = a word that describes the septic situation!

D is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends .... WELCOME BACK WALKER!! ... glad you had a good time but sorry to hear about your DIL .. hope all turns out well for her!! ... you were missed!!


cookie, ugh!! what a mess you have .... and once the Septic Saga is finished you will have to fix your floors ... it never ends!! ... hope they bring you better news today ...


A Welcome Home Queen BAT sounds great!! I think the PD will be excited to be invited to a party ....Woman LOL ... Mr/Mrs. BRIEFS, not so sure, they seem to be hermits!!


We are celebrating DF's (RIP) Birthday today ... going to Mass and then the cemetery ... dinner with the family later on ...


Hope everyone has a good day ... we are at 58 now and will go up to 81 with thunderstorms ... pouring and passing


D ~ Dumplings


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Good Morning Friends!


Thanks for the nice welcome back!!  Missed you guys too and thought of you while I said..tried to log on and chat but no luck.  Thanks for thinking of me while I was gone.


I am glad to get back and see all of you are doing well.....minus your septic problems, cookie, ugh! And, sorry your DD had some bad luck with deer.   Kittyfan, always busy doing good things for others! "Keep on keeping on" as you said.  Tootie, I hope you have a nice day of remembrance for your DF.  Be comforted in happy memories!


We were in Asheville, N.C.and although we lived in N.C. for six years, Asheville is an area we never got to visit.  With kids, we always were heading to the beach instead of mountains.  But, the mountains are so awesome.  We stayed at a place overlooking the mountains....beautiful and peaceful.  On Father's Day (oh thanks for thinking of DH that day too, Tootie).....the Biltmore Estate was giving discount admission to tour that day for dads.  So, we took advantage of that....geez expensive....regular admission..$'s got in for $ under 16 were a break on grandsons.  And, admission included free wine tasting at their own winery there so DIL and I took advantage of that...ha!  Beautiful HUGE estate....amazing what they did years ago...biggest house in America....bowling alley and pool inside too....quite something....glad I finally got to see it.

Monday we took drive through Blue Ridge Parkway ....did some hiking to see Falls so boys could jump time.  Next day....ER for DIL....maybe too much hiking?  I did not do all the climbing the others did or my body would have been left in mountains!


Enough from me for now......looking forward to BAT since I have missed two....I am sure the PD will love to see me again.  It sounded like you stirred up your own trouble without me...LOL..proud of you!!!  😂


Happy Thursday!  Off to store, do laundry, etc.  See you later.


E .... Egg Carton


NEXT ... F

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Tootie: special day to remember and share the loving times

Walker: welcome home. Asheville sounds lovely. Have a friend who moved from LA to Durham. Couldn't afford LA any longer. She is very involved in film-works with independent film makers.

Cookie: oh my goodness. The saga continues. Ripping up the floor.

We started a Wednesday gathering about eighteen months ago when one of our members couldn't live alone and went into a facility. We would get together for lunch. Well to change things up a bit we decided to meet at church for games. One of our ladies lost her husband after a brief illness so we had gotten out of our routine. I had left the dominos at church on the shelf. I couldn't attend last week but this week I said I would do lunch. Did a pasta salad at church. Easy and delicious. Another lady brought btownies. We had a lovely time. Shared some good fellowship. We don't play for points. Just enjoy being together. We have two ladies with vision issues but we all help. I said I would do lunch next week. Will get deli meat and cheese for sandwiches. Fruit salad to end meal. We have limited to go choices so this is a change. Also keeps everyone from another stop. Next week someone else will volunteer. When it is cooler soup or chilli but too hot.

F: French toAst

G: next
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Hi there kittyfan....thanks too for welcome back!  Your friendship gathering with food and games sounds like fun for all!  Socialization is so important especially as people get older, lose spouses, etc.  I remember when QM no longer had her little part-time job in an Antique Shop; she was alone too much and we began to see her slip mentally. 


My poor message this morning he was back in ER with one of my grandsons.  Boys were playing basketball....collided and hit grandson's nose.....minor fracture!  DIL waiting to get in to see her doctor.


Dryer stopped....better get off here.....hope you and your DM are having a nice day, further problems at your house, cookie and we will look forward to hearing from bigkat someday about her adventures!


G .... Green Onions


NEXT ... H

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Good morning ~  walker, sorry to hear about your G'son.  Kids are resilliant, hope he is okay.


Septic saga - came yesterday, performed inspection, will be back this morning.  Maybe Saturday they will remove those hot air machines.  


DD and SIL are going to Corpus Christi to be in a wedding and take a small vacation over thie weekend.  Hope nothing happens while they are gone. Mudpie knows how to undo one of the gates around the back 40 and did so yesterday afternoon, letting them all in the back yard area.  No problem, just closer to the house.  they stayed off the patio!


It is 80 outside now and should be 102 today, except for the hot air room, it is hotter.  Passing the coffee ~


H = HOT weather - not condusive to cooking!

I is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... we had a fun time remembering my DF ... laughing at many of his "quirks" ...


walker, oh no!! not a way for your DS to end his vacation ... hope all goes well with your grandson and your DIL ... but your vacation sounds like it was amazing ... the mountains and the waterfall ... The Biltmore Estate, a little pricey but not something that you do all the time ... glad you had a good time!! ... LOL at your comment about the free wine included in admission price and you and your DIL took advantage ... well worth the price for that alone Woman LOL ...


cookie, hope that septic problem hot air machine come out of your house soon and hope you have a quiet weekend ... when you mentioned that Mudpie knows how to undo the gate, I was thinking (and picturing) that we would need to have a "Rodeo Roundup of the Runaways" Woman LOL ... hopethey behave for you ...


kittyfan, it sounds like you had a fun and rewarding day ... so important to just sit back, relax and have fun ...


We are at 74 now and will go up to 75 with heavy rain and thunderstorms .... cookie, 102?? ugh ... try to stay cool!! Have a good day .... pouring and passing ..


I ~ I don't like cooking in hot weather ... or ICE


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Good morning ladies! And happy summer!!

Always good to be back home isn't it walker?! Sorry to hear of family injuries. Hope they are all fine! We used to go to the Asheville area before kids, always said we would love to move there ( we do get close in Pigeon Forge). The Biltmore is awesome! We would like to take our kids there sometime...boy their prices have gone up!! We enjoy the blue ridge mountains and driving and stopping throughout, beautiful area!! 


We ended up in DC and then a more relaxing stay on the ocean at Virginia Beach. I don't like super busy places, but DH was determined we were going to Washington. Glad we did, other than being hot, it was good. Of course our first day there was a pride march right though the areas we wanted to be! One good thing was the police had many streets blocked off so it wasn't busy with cars. This march was everywhere we turned and went for 3 hours. We were trying to get to the national archives building, but it was across the march. We asked a policeman how we could get there. He said this is not a parade, just a march, cross through it anywhere! It was solid people walking and we had a time hurrying across and not getting stuck in the march! They were selling rainbow buttons and flags on the corners and my youngest thought they looked nice and wondered what they were for...humm...could have been his souvenir! Any way, so much history there, we may just need to go back again.


Hope y'all have a wonderful Friday and cookie hope that septic gets fixed! Bye for now!


J- Jelly...grape that is, I've been feeding it to the Orioles, they are busy this morning in the rain!

K is up

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Good Morning Friends!


And now a big Welcome Back to bigkat!!!  Washington, D.C.. Is an exciting area to much to see and do there! I have not been back n several years.  I love all the history.  Funny story about your son and the marchers....also trying to get through them to cross street.


On the you just put dishes of grape jelly out for them?  My cousin in GR gets a lot of them too and I think that is what she does.  I would like to try and attract them but think I need to start early in the season (?).  Wondering if the squirrels would be a problem.


Tootie, sounds like you had a nice day of remembrance....with laughter.....for your DF.  


Cookie, 102?  Yikes....I would be melting!  I hope Mudpie doesn't cause you any problems over the weekend.  Way too hot to chase after animals.


No updates from my news is good news, I hope!


Happy Friday to all!  See you later.


K .... Keurig 


NEXT .... L