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Hi walker! I knew someone would get in there before me! Enjoy your walk!

H - Happy Tuesday!

I is next

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Good Morning, bigkat!  Yes, the Eclair Dessert is the one with graham crackers.....layers with pudding too...have to go back and check recipe.....yum!!!!


I........Iceberg Lettuce



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Good morning friends!! .... walker and bigkat, you are early birds today ... or am I a little late?? I'll blame it on DH as he is home again today  Woman Very Happy .... I have had eclair cake and it is delicious, but have never made one!! (even better when someone else makes it ... Woman Wink)

cookie, still thinking of you ...

We had a thunder and lightening storm early last night ... it cooled it down which is nice ... it is 64 now and we will go up to 75!! perfect weather for me!!

Hope everyone has a good day ....

(Just was beckoned by DH ... he wants to make blueberry muffins and he "can't find" the berries .... I know they are right in front of his eyes   Woman Wink ... ) See you later ...


I ~ Ice cream


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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hi walker!! ... somehow I knew I would collide with someone ... trying to post and DH being home equals interruptions .... like having him home though ...


J ~ Jello


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Good morning ~  I just lost my entire post.  Hate that!  No one to wake me up.  I let Leo go yesterday.  I bawled the whole way.  I did not stay, but gave him last hugs and kisses.  The staff is so caring.  The doc gave DD and me hugs and whispered to DD that it was pre cancer and they chose not to tell me yet.  I appreciated their concern, but I wish they had - It would have made it a little easier to have something to blame it on.  He will be cremated and scattered under my bedroom window.  This is the first cat that I have not buried.  It is lonely without him and Ozzie meows and sniffs around for him.  He was and is so loved. He thought he was King.  He was.Heart 

On another note, the Flea Police came and because we have mostly hardwood floors, he would be using a spray instead of fume bombs and the AC could stay on!!!!  WIth 98 degrees and 89% humidity - I am thankful.

K = keeping the kleenex close

L is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Cookie, I am sorry you had to part with Leo yesterday.  Our pets are forever friends always loving us and making us feel good.  Because you loved him so much, you did not want him to have suffering.  It is a good thing but so hard to do.  Your mind knows it is right but not your heart.  I am glad you had your DD to go with you and a caring vet staff.   Each day will be less painful but Leo will always be in your heart.




L........Leo.....The King!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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So sorry cookie! We never forget our fur friends. I can see it would have made it easier to know. Our last one had a cancerous tumor right after mine was found. You did the right thing as hard as it is. Glad you weren't alone. Give your other kitties extra love, I always feel bad when they don't know what's going on.

M- Many hugs for cookie

N is up

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Oh cookie, so so sorry about Leo!! ... He was much loved and you knew it was time to let him go .... (as hard as it was) ... I know you will always keep him in your heart and how nice for you to know that he will always be right outside your window .... sending you many hugs ... his memories will give you peace ...


N ~ NUMEROUS hugs for cookie ... ((((( HUGS)))))


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Cookie. Hugs to you dear lady. I know he was much loved. Animals do grieve. Extra hugs to the kitty left behind.

O: over the top with special hugs for Cookie

P: next
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Thank you ladies.  It is so nice to have such wonderful friends.  It is difficult but time will help to heal.  You guys are awesome!  Thank you for the kind words and hugs.


P = prailines

Q is next


There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.