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I gladly stayed home - even cooked for myself but no turkey was involved.  I don't like turkey, so I certainly don't buy it for myself nor want anyone to provide one.  I'd just have to give it away.   

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Re: Thanksgiving meals

[ Edited ]

This year we got the help. Our daughter is facing 3 operations this coming year and she and her DH moved 3 floors of stuff to their new ranch home. Even though she has been in a lot of pain and is facing 2 knee replacements and a an achilles operation that will be 10 weeks before she can even walk again.. she took over Thanksgiving. I felt bad because of a stroke

I couldn't do it this year.


She ordered out chicken and cooked a delicious potato casserole. Two ladies from her church made us a cheesecake and a cranberry salad....each of our grandson's wive's made something and I made a green bean casserole.   


I so appreciated everyone pitching in and we had a wonderful day. I had fun with our two great-grandsons while the rest of the gang played Hearts. 


For years I had the holidays at my home. I was sad I couldn't do it but it turned out so great that I can't be sad any longer!! So many people helping out.  It really blessed my heart.  Not having a turkey this year just didn't matter.



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@KG60 wrote:

I was sort of surprised to talk to many folks who did not have turkey this year. Citing high grocery prices and some that have "No family left" there were also a lot of folks that did not fix dinner at all. Several fixed chicken or Cornish hens, some skipped meat altogether. How sad in our world, that we can't go pick up an elderly neighbor and have them over for dinner on one day of the year, or get an extra turkey if we can afford it, to give to a needy neighbor. We have to get better at looking around us, even in our own communities and really seeing our neighbors. Seems nowadays, folks don't even know their neighbors names. I am so grateful to live in a very small town. We take food to families when they have a loved one pass, we know each other and we help one another. I believe it is what each of us is meant to do. 

I am sure there are many of us here who donated in some way to help others in need.  I have no needy neighbors or elderly neighbors.  I would not know how to determine who had the means to cook or store a turkey I may give them.  I find it best to donate to the proper charities in my area that know how to best distribute food to those in need.

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In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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@KG60 Do you realize how judgmental your post sounds, whether that was the intention or not. Shaming people for their choices of food, acting like you know what others do or don't do for the needy, WOW just WOW. "Judge not lest ye be judged." How is the air up there on your high horse? 

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@Desertdi wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

I had a peanut butter and cherry preserve sandwich.  It was not from lack of funds and my freezer is stuffed.  No, I'm alone and was not in the mood to cook, which I've come to hate, so I didnt.   I was happy as a clam.

@Kachina624      For the same reasons as yours...I had a can of tuna topped with guac!      di

@Desertdi.  FANCY!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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We like turkey, but I hate cooking it, so we go to a local sports pub, then come home for homemade desserts. The sports pub does an outstanding job for a very reasonable price. If we were eating at home, I'd make something like filet mignon, crab imperial or another special meal that we don't have very often. 

In the week or so before Thanksgiving, BJ's was giving away frozen Butterball turkeys if your order exceeded $150. I can't remember the last time I spent less than that at BJ's, so I took my free turkey and donated it to my friend's church for their food drive. Easy peasy.  I'd guess other stores also offered a free turkey with purchase. 

Northern Virginia isn't "small town" but it's comprised of neighborhoods where folks look out for each other and churches & other organizations try to provide for the less fortunate. We do what we can and trust that others will help as well. Guilt-tripping an unknown audience only makes you look sanctimonious. 


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@KG60 wrote:

I was sort of surprised to talk to many folks who did not have turkey this year. Citing high grocery prices and some that have "No family left" there were also a lot of folks that did not fix dinner at all. Several fixed chicken or Cornish hens, some skipped meat altogether. How sad in our world, that we can't go pick up an elderly neighbor and have them over for dinner on one day of the year, or get an extra turkey if we can afford it, to give to a needy neighbor. We have to get better at looking around us, even in our own communities and really seeing our neighbors. Seems nowadays, folks don't even know their neighbors names. I am so grateful to live in a very small town. We take food to families when they have a loved one pass, we know each other and we help one another. I believe it is what each of us is meant to do. 

@KG60 Why are you judging others or assuming you know what any of us did for Thanksgiving or how we behaved. Because you THINK not enough people ate turkey?


You are way off base with this scolding.  You might want to some looking around today too. In the mirror! 

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@Kachina624- What brand of cherry preserves do you buy and where?  It's hard to find and I love it.  I used to buy a brand called Amir at a small market in our town but they no longer carry it.  I love cherry preserves buf haven't had it in years.  TIA

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@WORKING GAL.  I get this at Walmart.  It's  not the best I ever ate but it's  better than Smuckers or the other "grocery store" brands.


Isn't that price riduculous?



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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If you knew me, you would know that I have no high horse. My post was written as a reminder, because it sure looks like people have forgotten people. Yes, charities, food banks, food drives are all wonderful! And yes, I know other people give! I was simply saying that we shouldn't forget those in our communities, based on my own observations in the past two weeks before Thanksgiving. I apologize if you feel that I meant to "shame" anyone. That would never be my intent. God bless you ma'am.