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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

Thank you @aroc3435  for the clarification.

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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

@Enufstuff wrote:

@Nightowlz  For my kids, it wouldn't be Thanksgiving or Christmas without pumpkin bread. To serve, I sift confectionary

sugar over the Bundt cake. Then we slice it.

     It seems that the two differences are the amount of sugar and

mine has nutmeg and yours cloves. It sounds like a lot of sugar, but it is not too sweet. Sometimes I do use just a little less sugar.

    This recipe came from one of those church recipe collections

cookbooks from the 1970's.

     For the holidays I also make cranberry orange bread in a loaf

or muffins. I think that the kids like pumpkin bread best.



Don't know why I only make it in the fall. It would be good any time. I sprinkle it with Turbinado sugar. 

The recipe is in the Betty Crocker cookbook we received as a wedding gift in 76.

I never ate it til after I was married. 

I remember pecan pie & those butter spritz cookies my mom used to make.

It's too hot for baking right now. Will be hot all next week with temps close to or 100°. Felt like 105° today.

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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

[ Edited ]


My mother never baked breads or muffins. Her things to bake were cookies, cakes and pies. She made the spritz cookies and

many others for Christmas. After I got married, she gave me her

cookie press and cookie cutters, so I would make about 5 different kinds of cookies for Christmas and gave a lot as gifts,

back in the 70's. I was home with children and did not work outside, back then. I made muffins, breads, cookies and pies all year. I maybe baked something once a week. Now that the five

children are all grown, I don't bake often. Pecan pie is what I make for Thanksgiving. I have Dear Abby's recipe from the 70's. I'll look it up and post it here.

    With the heat and humidity of summer, I really don't want to cook at all. My youngest son's birthday is Sept. 5th and I might bake a cake for him.

      I hope that those high temperatures cool for you soon. It is

only in the 80's here, but the humidity is oppressive. How did we survive before AC?

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

@Enufstuff wrote:


My mother never baked breads or muffins. Her things to bake were cookies, cakes and pies. She made the spritz cookies and

many others for Christmas. After I got married, she gave me her

cookie press and cookie cutters, so I would make about 5 different kinds of cookies for Christmas and gave a lot as gifts,

back in the 70's. I was home with children and did not work outside, back then. I made muffins, breads, cookies and pies all year. I maybe baked something once a week. Now that the five

children are all grown, I don't bake often. Pecan pie is what I make for Thanksgiving. I have Dear Abby's recipe from the 70's. I'll look it up and post it here.

    With the heat and humidity of summer, I really don't want to cook at all. My youngest son's birthday is Sept. 5th and I might bake a cake for him.

      I hope that those high temperatures cool for you soon. It is

only in the 80's here, but the humidity is oppressive. How did we survive before AC?




We had a pecan tree in the yard when we lived on base in Tx. I picked & shelled the pecans so mom would make the pie.

I make them at Thanksgiving & Christmas. I use the recipe in the Betty Crocker cookbook.

My mom probably didn't do more baking since she had leukemia. She found out she had it when my youngest brother was born. She had 7 kids to take care of. 

My older sister has her cookie press.



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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

@Nightowlz  I'm sorry that your mother had such a terrible illness. It must have been very difficult to raise 7 children and take care of a house. When I was 12, one of my friends from

Girl Scouts passed away from leukemia. She was also 12 years old. That was in 1959. I hope that today, treatment of leukemia

has progressed with scientific development.


            You have a nice memory of helping your mother with

the pecans for pie. It must have been wonderful to have your own

pecan tree. We got our first house when I was 19 and we had a plum tree. I made plum jam and it smelled heavenly when it was cooking. My girls loved it on toast.

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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

Pecan Pie from Dear Abby                 350 degrees


1 unbaked pie shell - Chill in refrigerator for 15 minutes


Mix together:  4 eggs               2 Tbsp. melted butter

                        1/2 cup sugar    1 cup dark Karo syrup

                        1 tsp. vanilla     1/2 cup light Karo syrup

                        1 1/2 cups pecan halves


                         Bake 55 minutes at 350 degrees.

This is great with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream on top.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

@Enufstuff wrote:

@Nightowlz  I'm sorry that your mother had such a terrible illness. It must have been very difficult to raise 7 children and take care of a house. When I was 12, one of my friends from

Girl Scouts passed away from leukemia. She was also 12 years old. That was in 1959. I hope that today, treatment of leukemia

has progressed with scientific development.


            You have a nice memory of helping your mother with

the pecans for pie. It must have been wonderful to have your own

pecan tree. We got our first house when I was 19 and we had a plum tree. I made plum jam and it smelled heavenly when it was cooking. My girls loved it on toast.



My dad was in the Air Force so we always lived on a Military Base. I remember he was gone a lot. Mom was sick for almost 10 yrs before I found out. Some doctors tried to say she did not have leukemia because she could not live as long as she did. She lived almost 18 yrs after she found out. She wasn't going any place she had 7 kids to take care of so she fought & was here until the youngest was almost 18. They do have more treatment today. It's been a long time. So sorry about one of your friends. That has to be the worse when the child goes before the parent. I know it was rough on my dad when my oldest brother died.

Plum jam sounds yummy.

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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

@Enufstuff wrote:

Pecan Pie from Dear Abby                 350 degrees


1 unbaked pie shell - Chill in refrigerator for 15 minutes


Mix together:  4 eggs               2 Tbsp. melted butter

                        1/2 cup sugar    1 cup dark Karo syrup

                        1 tsp. vanilla     1/2 cup light Karo syrup

                        1 1/2 cups pecan halves


                         Bake 55 minutes at 350 degrees.

This is great with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream on top.



Thanks for posting. This is similar to the Betty Crocker cookbook except it uses all light Karo. I like it since it does not have brown sugar in it.

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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

Anything with apples reminds me of fall. Living along a country road as a child, we'd gather apples and hickory nuts. My mom's aunt would turn those ingredients into a dense apple cake with a frosting sprinkled with hickory nuts.

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Re: Recipes Reminiscent of Autumn

sounds so good with a cup of java ,with a splash of cream.....yum!