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Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]



Thanks for your post about your rabbits having bladder stones and that calcium was a key.  The vet just said "minerals" so I didn't know what exactly to be alert for.


I've been taking him to a local park around 5:30 AM so he could get some exercise and smell some different smells before it gets too hot.  He was kind of disappointed we didn't go out this morning, but I figured there would be 4th of July parties setting up in the park. 


They had the Peachtree Road Race this morning in Atlanta.  I don't know how the runners stand it -- the humidity is something like 70 percent today with temps up in the 90's. I can't even bear walking around outside in the shade much less running through the hot streets.  At least the sky was somewhat overcast -- last year they had full blazing sun for the whole race.  They run the race in waves by groups -- the wheelchair athletes started at 6:30 AM.  I can't even imagine what kind of courage it takes to set such a goal for yourself.


This was the 50th Anniversary race -- they interviewed an Atlanta gentleman who is 80 and has run in every one of them.  They showed him working out at his house and looking at his prized collection of PRR Tee Shirts.


At least it's not one of the 26-mile marathons!  






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Registered: ‎01-16-2015

Made cheesecake strawberries for a refreshing little snack:



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Posts: 21,436
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Good morning Kitchenettes, happy Souper Steamy Friday my friends . . . Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

And if anyone has happened to see my kitchen shears I sure would appreciate you pointing out where I put them . . . how can I possibly lose bright red kitchen shears in a kitchen this small????  Sigh.

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Don't feel bad, @momtochloe


I lost one of my two pairs of kitchen scissors not too long ago. 


Drove myself crazy trying to find them.  Gave up, deciding they probably got swept up in other stuff and made their way into the trash, never to be seen again.


If you find yours, perhaps there's still hope for me.

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Didn't you loose them a couple of years ago?


Or was it a paring knife?


Or was it Respect?


I have no idea what I'm talking about LOL!!!



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@ChiliPepper wrote:

Made cheesecake strawberries for a refreshing little snack:



@ChiliPepperBeautiful, I want!!! I love the star plate also.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,436
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]

Good morning Kitchenettes, happy Souper Steamy Saturday my friends . . . Smiley Happy


Oh and don't forget it's also Souper Free Shipping and Handling Saturday too!

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Posts: 21,436
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

@tiny 2 wrote:

@ChiliPepper wrote:

Made cheesecake strawberries for a refreshing little snack:



@ChiliPepperBeautiful, I want!!! I love the star plate also.

Hey @tiny 2 , I was just going to say the same thing but I have to ask.  @ChiliPepper  is that maybe a votive candleholder because it fits the strawberry so perfectly.  So cute and looks delicious!

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Posts: 21,436
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Here are some early morning smiles to start your day:


This is I Believe I Can Fly:


Or maybe Boing!:


And finally, Sweetest Lifeguard Ever: