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@RespectLife wrote:



Uh oh!  The candles are nice?  I better keep my SCHNAAZ, SNOCKER, HONKER, ITALIANO BEAK outta the candle aisle!

@RespectLife  I actually burn a lot of candles in the summer now as my kitchen has no windows and not great circulation so no matter what I make the aroma lingers so I light a candle for a bit to burn it off.  You and your olfactory senses may want to steer clear of that section next week . . 

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@momtochloe wrote:

@RespectLife wrote:



Uh oh!  The candles are nice?  I better keep my SCHNAAZ, SNOCKER, HONKER, ITALIANO BEAK outta the candle aisle!

@RespectLife  I actually burn a lot of candles in the summer now as my kitchen has no windows and not great circulation so no matter what I make the aroma lingers so I light a candle for a bit to burn it off.  You and your olfactory senses may want to steer clear of that section next week . . 

Smelly emoticon






I burn a lot of candles cuz I can't seem to cook w/o GARLIC!


I have a melter which I really like.  I said I was gonna burn the stock of candles, then stick with the melter.


That's what I SAID anyways!  LOL

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It is almost 2:30 pm CDT.  It is:


  • 82 degrees
  • That thing I vaguely remember as humidity is creeping in
  • I am sweating
  • My beverage is sweating
  • We can no longer stay in front of the ice cubes, we have lost that war
  • It is officially coaster season

It's gonna be a long summer for mtc.

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Hello K=Team!

It is hot and humid today and clouds are trying to move in.  Sometime tomorrow they say we are to get bad storms.  Hope they are wrong on this.  But a cool front is moving in and will crash with the warm front we now have, causing the storms.   Spring in St. Lou!



Those truffles look so good.  I don't really care for truffles but they always look like jewels.  Those just especially festive to me and F-A-N-C-Y!



RE: Aldi's candles.  I have had some I really like, and a few that I didn't care for.  They all burned well.  Last year they had "spa" candles and I especially enjoyed those.  I think I have some melts as well, but can't say I have used them or not-I have many brands in the basket and tend to burn by whatever season it is.

As far as not buying anymore candles-you might need them in the winter if you lose power or after a storm for the same reason-tell your DH better safe than sorry!  The K-Team doesn't want to worry about your safety!

And I was kind of hoping maybe one of those candles scents next week might be garlic!  At least it would smell like I might be cooking!  Woman Very Happy



I was late getting to Aldi's today-had a funeral dinner at church that I had to drop food off before an emergency dental appointment.  Everything was pretty well picked over by the time I got there.  My little nightshirts were really picked over and I didn't see any of the little sock liners at all.  Hanging baskets of flowers were practically walking out of there on their own!  I plan on going back Friday to see if things are better stocked.  

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]



I was late getting to Aldi's today-had a funeral dinner at church that I had to drop food off before an emergency dental appointment.  Everything was pretty well picked over by the time I got there.  My little nightshirts were really picked over and I didn't see any of the little sock liners at all.  Hanging baskets of flowers were practically walking out of there on their own!  I plan on going back Friday to see if things are better stocked.  


@mustang66lady  ours didn't have any of the nightshirts but I think they got stuck with a lot of the yoga stuff (normally clothes don't hold over too longer around here).  I thought of you as I spied a few hams but they were huge and not marked down so I gave them a pass.  I guess that's it for the season.  That's funny about those baskets, it reminded me of when I used to go into hand to hand combat at Costco over the geraniums each year . . . Smiley Happy


Emergency dental appointment?  What happened?  Are you in any pain?  Smiley Sad


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LOL!  Oh you poor melting thing!


How I wish I could trade weather with you!


@ChiliPeppermay not agree though!  She's a hot mama like you!

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Now you have a very valid point!


That little melter ain't gonna give me much light in a power outtage, now is it?




However...we have a generator.


Also, I have enough light 'em up candles in the cupboard to keep us lit for the rest of our lives.


That may not stop me from trying just one though!

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Posts: 21,424
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

@RespectLife wrote:




LOL!  Oh you poor melting thing!


How I wish I could trade weather with you!


@ChiliPeppermay not agree though!  She's a hot mama like you!

Hee @RespectLife  it's not that bad it's just that the temperature in here went up 15 degrees in less than 12 hours.  I haven't had the heat on since I don't know when and have had the windows open even in 30 degree weather.  This place is just an oven . . . 

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@mustang66lady  you be safe my friend as those severe weather warnings just rolled in according to the scroll on the TV . . . 

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Oh My Goodness, Hello K-Team -- it's been much too long since I was here (not since before Easter apparently) and I am more than 600 posts behind on everyone's news.  I saw I had several Notifications from the SOUP thread but don't have time to track them down right now. 


April has had its challenges for me and for TMFY -- and from the looks of the posts I copied into Word so it has been for most of you.  He and I are both doing better now and hope each of you can say the same. 


Yes, we are actually having some SPRING in Georgia this year -- it has been lovely here today and I want to get in some porch-sitting-time before it gets too late to get outside. 


I have some friends who were in their car at a traffic light in a mid-size town south of Atlanta (on their way to have lunch) and they were somehow rear-ended and then side-swiped by a tractor-trailer truck.  Their car was totaled, but fortunately none of them were hurt.  The accident, with a picture of the car, made the front page of the local paper.  They were terribly upset --  not so much by the loss of their car, but because the newspaper article described the accident victims as "three elderly ladies. ......  (A reminder of the Murphy's Law that says "Elderly is always at least fifteen years older than I am.")


Know I've missed you and that I'll be back to do more catching up when I can.  Hugs to all.