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I am going to make pecan pie for the first time. Recipes I see say light or dark corn syrup. For those who bake this pie, which one do you use? Is there really a difference?
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I used to make a long time ago. Not sure what I used, but dark brown has more molasses than light and a deeper flavor. I guess it's just a matter of taste which you prefer.

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@joann1218  I always use the light Karo syrup.

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I use receipe on Karo bottle but tweak  it .

  Dark Karo is more pleasing to the eye as it gives a deeper drk color  and drk brown sugar . I add  burbon to cut some of the sweetness

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We counted on my Dad to make pecan pies every family holiday. In fact he had a stroke and lost the use of his right side. So he had to use only his left hand. When he was in rehab, they asked him for his first project what he wanted to make. His reply was a pecan pie. So the man made a pie crust using only his left hand.


Dad used dark Kero for his pies. He did experiment with light and mixing light and dark Kero syrup. But he always went back to the dark. Maybe because that was what we were used to eating. 

I am sure your pie will be tasty no matter which corn syrup you use. A pecan pie is always good.

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I don't use corn syrup in my pecan pie:


1 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup white sugar

1/2 cup butter, melted

2 room-temperature eggs

1 tbsp flour

1 tbsp milk

1 tsp vanilla

1 1/2 cups chopped pecans


Beat eggs until foamy and stir in butter.  Mix in sugars and flour.  Mix in milk, vanilla, and 1 cup nuts.  Pour into unbaked pie shell and sprinkle rest of nuts on top.  Bake in 400 degree oven for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 300 degrees and bake for 45 minutes until set. 

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Easiest pie in the world to make.  I prefer light corn syrup as I don't care for a strong molasses taste.  I also prefer to use broken pecans rather than halves.  Easier to cut.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 wrote:

Easiest pie in the world to make.  I prefer light corn syrup as I don't care for a strong molasses taste.  I also prefer to use broken pecans rather than halves.  Easier to cut.

You might like this one.....




2 Eggs

1 Cup Sugar

1 tsp Flour

1 Cup Sour Cream
¼ tsp Lemon juice


Brush pie crust with egg white. Pour in Filling and top with pecans.

Bake at 350° 40-50 minutes. Let stand before serving.


It's really good!


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Never the dark for me. Taste is too strong. I liked seeing a recipe containing no Karo syrup. That might be worth a try.

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Dark corn syrup- it adds complexity and richness to the pecan pie! 😁