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Registered: ‎07-31-2020

Thank you for this recipe!  My neighbor would love to have a whole little pie just for herself !  And a nicer presentation than just taking her a piece of pie Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎04-21-2010



Ohhh....this is one of my DH’s favorite desserts.  What a great idea - - I am not a huge pecan fan, but this recipe for one looks easy and will  help my hubby refrain from overindulging (he has to watch his sweets).  


Thank you for sharing!

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Registered: ‎05-30-2010

Homemade pie beats anything you can buy at a grocery or any retail store. As for only making a single serving. Great idea for those who can't eat a lot of this type of food and don't want it sitting around becking them to eat it. Great idea! Enjoy!!!

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@KatieB :  The "shortbread" crust got me.  I love Walker's shortbread cookies....wonder if they would do to make the crust.  DH is not a "nut" anything person, but anything "nut" LOL.  Pecan pie is one of my favorites.  Thanks.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Thanks for sharing this, may try it. I am one who needs portion control. Have an idea that is why mug cakes have become so popular, at least at my grocery store there is a large selection. Back to the pie, probably could make in my air fryer or my newly purchased Curtis Stone perfect cooker. The recipe book that came with the Perfect Cooker has several desert recipes for probably two servings.
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010
When I make pecan pie, it is always in the fall and during the holidays. I never turn on the oven in the summer...When I make my pecan pie, I make the crust and put in the pan. I put the pecan halves in the crust, then put all the filling ingredients in the blender and blend just a few seconds...makes all the eggs and sugar really smooth. Then just pour over the pecans in the crust and bake. Easy. You can also bake the whole pie, cool, and freeze slices separately if you want portion control.