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Registered: ‎11-13-2010
On 2/8/2014 paShar said:

Does anyone have a good vinegar-based dressing recipe for cole slaw? I love Marzetti's Cole Slaw Dressing but every now and then I think I'd like to switch it up with something a bit different.

Thank you!

paShar, I'd be interested in a T&T recipe for that too!

Years ago when living in the south, I had a friend who made a boiled white sugar & vinegar dressing for cole slaw, & it was tasty. There's a recipe on Foodcom that looks promising, & I just may try it.

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Here's a recipe I cut out of the middle of the old "TV Guide" some time in the 70s. I still make it often and have frequent requests for it.

Vermont Apple Slaw

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 Tbs. sugar

1 Tbs. white vinegar

4 cups shredded cabbage

2 cups chopped apples, skin on

1/2 cup chopped celery

1/4 cup plumped raisins or currants

1/4 cup chopped pecans

In a large bowl, combine mayonnaise, sugar and vinegar; mix well. Add remaining ingredients. Mix lightly. Chill. Toss well prior to serving.

Serves 8



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Posts: 622
Registered: ‎11-13-2010
On 2/8/2014 sfnative said:

I love cole slaw and would eat it every day!

I used to slice the cabbage by hand with a bread knife - my choice. However, right hand surgery left me with CRPS, a permanently disabling syndrome, so my right hand is not worth much any more. I've now happily embraced my Cuisinart to shread the cabbage and am pleased with the results.

Very sorry to hear that, sfnative. I'm glad your Cuisinart came to the rescue.

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On 2/7/2014 Beebee2 said:

I use and appreciate many kitchen appliances, and get teased about the number of them I have.

But when it comes to Cole slaw, I like making it from scratch and I like using a knife, not a grater, blender, food processor, etc. I don't know why but none of them give me the results/texture I like. What's that about?

So, I'd like to ask others who make their Cole slaw from scratch (no bagged product), how they prefer to do it, and why. TIA

Looove cole slaw. I do it all three ways, depending how pressed I am for time, but prefer knife if I'm making shreds. If I'm making chopped, I will sometimes use a food processor. I don't dress the slaw until right before serving so it doesn't stand and get watery.
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On 2/8/2014 wagirl said:

I make it by hand and by bag but don't have a really good cole slaw dressing recipe. I prefer to make my salad dressing myself to avoid all the junk in them. Any recipes would be appreciated.


I also make my cole slaw by hand. Not sure if you like creamy cole slaw but there is an old famous recipe our family has used that comes from the Brookville Hotel in Abilene, KS It's a restaurant known for their family-style chicken dinners. It's super easy to make and really delicious. The restaurant uses just green cabbage, but we've made it with both red & green cabbage and even added carrots and it's equally tasty.

Brookville Hotel Sweet & Sour Cole Slaw:

1 1/2 lbs of finely shredded cabbage

1 tsp salt

2/3 cup sugar

1/3 cup vinegar (white - distilled)

1 cup whipping cream

Directions: Place shredded cabbage in a bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. 30 minutes prior to serving mix remaining ingredients in a bowl. Toss dressing with shredded cabbage. Chill and serve.