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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

@Ilovetea wrote:

@05gage25 wrote:

A bowl of homemade chili with a chunk of sweet cornbread! Salmon patties with Mac n cheese (this is a rare treat since it's not on my regular Fresh tomatoes chopped up in fresh corn then lightly sauteed. 

I am making homemade chili and cornbread this afternoon! I also like salmon patties with mac and cheese and/or buttered potatoes. 

Every Friday night growing up my mother would make salmon patties,  mac & cheese and green beans for dinner.

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

mashed potatoes and blackeyed peas

ice cream with crushed Frito's sprinkled on top,  chex sweet n salty is great too.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

French fries dipped in a Wendy's chocolate frosty.  Salty and sweet in one bite. Yum!

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

@chicagoan wrote:

Pinto beans/fried potatoes/Cornbread... I know that's 3, but, I can't eat one without the other two... lol


@Chicagoan   Pinto beans with ham hocks (ONE dish); COLLARDS; cornbread.  No potatoes and beans for me!!!!  

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

[ Edited ]

@qualitygal wrote:

@Ruthie-Roo, I think it's only fair to ask for that frosting recipe. Someone in my family did that on graham crackers too. You shook up a buried memory....I can't place it, but I remember them. Thanks.



My mom made icing with one stick of room temp butter, 1 box of powdered sugar (were they 10 oz? Does anyone know?), a sprinkle of cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, and a tablespoon or so of evaporated milk--enough to get it the right consistency.  She always made it in a big bowl and stirred it with a fork!   I think maybe there was a splash of vanilla as well.   And sometimes a little ooffe!

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

    Macaroni & cheese

    Steak & baked potatoe

    Peanut butter & grape jelly

    Potatoes pancakes & sour cream

    Homemade chili & shredded cheddar

    Homemade chicken soup & matza balls

    Turkey & stuffing

    Entennmans chocolate doughnut & milk

    Strawberries & cream

    Cheeseburger & fries

    Dark rum & diet coke


Posts: 48
Registered: ‎08-06-2011

Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

I like to scrape the edge of an ice cream sandwich with Fritos.

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

sorbet with pretzel sticks -  first some sorbet, then a piece of pretzel - continue alternating until all gone - yummy!


chili with a hard-boiled egg sliced on top - like this over rice

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

QualityGal wrote:

Ruthie-Roo wrote:

@QualityGal  :-)  There isn't a recipe -- my mom just makes it.  However, I will see if I can get approximate measurements and instructions for you.  My apologies, as things have been, and still are, hectic around here, so, it may be a wee bit til I can provide the "recipe."  I'll do my best. 

@Ruthie-Roo, Hey, don't worry about it. I think it was some powdered sugar frosting. I think a little milk and a little vanilla, and I think that was about it. To taste and I'll bet most moms knew how to throw that together. I do remember it though.Woman Very Happy

@qualitygal  Yes, that's pretty much it, but with some Hershey's cocoa to make it chocolate.  I still have not pinned Mom down for her frosting mastery, sorry.  And yup, most moms probably DO know how to throw many things together with not much, if any guidance.  I swear, every birthday, I don't want a store-bought cake, even from the finest bakeries; I just want Mom's chocolate frosting on a yellow Pillsbury cake.  This past year, a family member got a store-bought cake for my birthday celebration, unbeknownst to me.  I had some, and was very grateful.  But you know, Mom's is always best.  I digress....  LOL  Hope your frosting-making efforts work out well!!  :-)

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Re: Name two things you like to eat together.

@sweetee2 wrote:

Potatoes  chips and cottage  cheese, spaghetti  with canned corn, and fried egg with toast.

I love fried eggs with toast, and I also like to make a fried egg sandwich out of them with bagels, and add a piece of cheese to it like a breakfast sandwich. That can make it into a really filling breakfast sandwich then. Smiley Happy


I also like the old stand-by of soup with crackers, too. I like regular saltines with my soup, and I also like to eat a bowl of chili with saltines, too.