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Our son was gifted a giant zucchini from his neighbor’s backyard garden.  He isn’t going to use it so he gave it to me.  I’ve never seen one this large in all my life.  It’s a zucchini on steroids - longer than my forearm,  a good 4” or so wide at the base, and about 2.5” wide at the stem.


Is it usable?  We don’t eat regular pasta, but I could cut it into slices/sheets for a lasagna, if it’s ok to use.

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what a great 'gift'......i wouldn't eat it.....but i might use it as a baseball bat!

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Should be fine.


They are good raw in salads too.  Can also bake slices with your choice of seasoning or slice and cook up with some more tasty veggies as a topping for meat or starch.

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That size zucchini tend to be full of might be able to rescue some of it but not the seeds.   You could grate some of it.  Many recipes on line.  Good Luck!!

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I will be seedy. 


Once you cut it open, you will be able to tell if the 'meaty' section is okay.


If it looks or feels foamy or is spongy to the touch, I would chuck it.


But if it is nice and firm, I would also grate it for baking, zoodle it for 'pasta', dice it for a veggie, steamed or raw...


Just ditch the middle seedy part.


I have used many zucc we missed and let get too big.

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Stuff it after you take out all the middle part & seeds. Not a fan. Of course it's ok to eat, just not that tasty. Watery.

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A baseball bat!   😆 


Thanks for all the input.  I was wondering about seeds and the quality of the flesh.  Dinner for tonight is already planned but I’ll cut this thing tomorrow and see what it’s like inside.  

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If you have one of those gadgets that make zucchini noodles (zoodles) - it automatically removed the center seed part of the veggie.

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You can stuff it.  Do not skin it.  Slice lengthwise and scoop out some or most of the seeds.  You can stuff with something similar to what many use in stuffed peppers, a partially cooked mixture (because hamburger, chicken or turkey would not have enough time to fully cook during baking) of hamburger, rice, spices, tomato sauce/gravy of some type, even jar store bought sauce and bake it...zucchini boats. You can also stuff it with other veggies such as mushrooms, cherry or grape tomatoes, blanched broccoli and/or cauliflower, spices of your choosing mixed with a little olive oil and topped with cheese such as mozzarella, fontina, or for something stronger tasting a cheddar or whatever you like and bake.


Or you could simply cut into 2 inch chunks, season on baking sheet with olive oil and spices/seasonings of your liking such garlic powder, salt, pepper, parsley and/or basil, or any seasonings you like and roast at about 450° turning occasionally, there will be quite a bit of moisture because zucchini has a lot of moisture and can use as a veggie side dish or even to top pasta as a primavera type meal.  Mix in other veggies such as cherry/grape tomatoes & mushrooms to roast too if you want a primavera style topping for pasta.  Can even put zucchini on grill if you have one & grill it instead of oven roasting and this would help with moisture and if also using smaller pieces or items such as tomatoes & mushrooms use an outdoor perforated grilling pan if you have one.


Last resort...shred for zucchini bread or muffins!  😊😋

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

@ALRATIBA wrote:



If you have one of those gadgets that make zucchini noodles (zoodles) - it automatically removed the center seed part of the veggie.

Yes, I have one that goes on my Kitchenaid mixer.  I haven’t used it in awhile so I’m not sure if the zucchini diameter would be an issue.  I’ll have to check.