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I don't like the plain, original Cheerios but I do love the newer flavors - Cinnamon, and Oats & Honey...  I like those flavors but not the plain/original ones

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I have been fixing buttered cherrios many many years while my kids were growing up. I use the plain cheerios but they are a delicious snack.



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Registered: ‎02-28-2017

I've been making garlic Cheerios for years. It was a popular treat, along with popcorn, for my kiddos growing up. It's still a treat and I can eat it because the oats are fine for me and gluten free.


Recently, we bought some Cheerios and tried making it with coconut oil. Turned out great, not oily at all. I just pour the cereal in a fry pan, add garlic salt and the oil and cook until it's as crispy and brown as you like. Delicious!

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We made our own Chex Mix (flavoring packets were available) and we always added a box of Cheerios to it.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

When we were kids we used KIX tasted like popcorn....DW



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Posts: 2,638
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I just wondered if anyone had heard of this recipe.  When I saw the recipe, the article said it was popular in the 1960s and 70s, I think it said.. but I knew I had never even heard of it.. It is interesting that some of you have fixed it for your kids...

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Posts: 1,408
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

It was in the early to mid 1960's that my brothers and I  made it with KIX...DW