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Posts: 1,714
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

I've never ordered the one from the q but I did find a really good one recently from Sams. It's fresh in the meat section. They were giving tastes of it and I bought some immediately. I have always been afraid of preparing fresh salmon because I really don't know much about it. Husband doesn't like it so I just fix for myself sometimes. The very nice lady took time to tell me exactly how she prepared and that made it so much easier. When I opened the fish, it did not have a smell at all. I had heard that's a good sign. I cooked it and am still enjoying each day for lunch. It's the sushi grade salmon and it's $11.99 a pound but it is $5 off right now. I paid $22 for the pack I bought. A great deal for me to have many lunches.