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Registered: ‎03-28-2010
Hi, I made the pretzel salad dessert and am wondering if it would keep in the fridge until Thurs??
Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-30-2010

Keep a salad in the fridge until Thursday? Don't know what this salad is, but it sounds like it would be stale by Thursday.

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Registered: ‎05-12-2012

or maybe soggy.....

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Registered: ‎09-21-2017

Maybe QWalker knows. Salads are fresh, crisp, refreshing. Sitting around for days is not my idea of a good salad.

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I do not think that will turn out well. I usually don't fix things more than one day ahead.   If you have already made it, try and see but, I would have a back-up salad ready.  

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Posts: 1,369
Registered: ‎03-28-2010
Ok, I wasn't sure since the pretzels were the only thing in it that might get soggy. My husband's enjoying it. I used raspberry jello and mixed berries instead because that's all I could find at our grocery store. Thanks for the recipe. He's asking me make it again at Christmas dinner. I hope you and your family have a wonderful safe Christmas 🙂