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I saw eggs in the grocery store that are pasteurized in the shell----that would work or how about an egg substitute

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@wagirly  Yes that 's what would alot safer, the egg substitute is only thing I trust for french toast, potato pancakes, and homemade icecream. 

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@wagirl I haven't made homemade egg nog in years and it is so good. This year I am going to try it with egg substitute. Egg substitute is really good for scrambled egg , so I think it should be good in egg nog. 

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Just wondering - Why are raw egg yolks safe if they come from your own chickens but not from store-bought eggs?

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@BeccaLou wrote:

@mustang66lady Farm fresh eggs don't have to be refrigerated, but once they are they, have to remain refrigerated. And if I heard Raphael Ray correctly she has her own chickens . A very big difference. The eggs are safe if you have your own chickens.

@BeccaLou wrote:

@mustang66lady Farm fresh eggs don't have to be refrigerated, but once they are they, have to remain refrigerated. And if I heard Raphael Ray correctly she has her own chickens . A very big difference. The eggs are safe if you have your own chickens.


I don't recall Rachael saying she has her own chickens but I do think she has stated she knows the person whom she purchases eggs from and their freshness.  That is an interesting statement that once eggs are refrigerated, they must continue to be.  I have never not refrigerated eggs even when I know who they come from.  Just not a habit I was raised with but I don't freak out over raw eggs either if I am confident with the person using those eggs.  Thanks for sharing that tip!

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My recipe for Caesar dressing uses mayonnaise instead of raw eggs.  I think it's delicious.


Caesar Dressiing


1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup olive oil

3 tbs. grated Parmesan cheese

2 tbs. bleu cheese

1 tbs. red wine vinegar

3 cloves minced garlic (I use roasted garlic)

1 tsp. lemon juice

1/4 tsp. dry mustard

1/4 tsp. anchovy paste (I use one-two canned anchovies)

salt if desired (I don't)


I add all ingredients into a measuring cup or mason jar and mix with an immersion blender.  I add more cheese onto the salad when I prep it.  This recipe makes more than enough for one head of Romaine lettuce. If I'm making a larger salad, I double the recipe. It lasts a good while in the fridge.


~ house cat ~
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@BeccaLou---I used the egg subs for any years in my cooking as well as for egg nog--worked great

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I thought romaine lettuce was not safe to eat right now.Recalls.

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@ValuSkr Because there is some very unhealthy crowding conditions,chicken feed, if they even give them food.  and the poor chickens are kept awake day and night and they literally stomp each other to death and are eating dead chickens,feces, and chicken feed if they are kept clean and the greed wasn't there we would have safe food every where. but that's the sickening truth.

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@dex It seems like it's recalled at least once a month. So I never buy it, or ground beef either.