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Posts: 10,620
Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Tried this recipe last night. Delicious. I picked this up recipe card up at Whole Foods. Caramel is not what I would call it but it does have quite a bit of sugar in the sauce.

1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/3 cup fish sauce
1/3 cup water
3 T rice vinegar
2 T soy sauce
1 T finely chopped fresh ginger
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1/2 t freshly ground black pepper
2 small Thai bird chilies or Serranos, cut into rings*
1 T peanut oil
1 large shallot peeled and slice thinly
8 boneless chicken thighs trimmed of fat and skin, cut into large bite size pieces
4 green onions sliced
2 T toasted sesame seeds

Whisk together sugar, fish sauce, water, vinegar, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, black pepper and chilies*.

Heat oil over med high heat. Add the shallots and saute stirring and tossing until tender. Add chicken and quickly brown stirring. Add sauce mixture. Raise heat and bring to a simmer. Lower heat to low and cook, turning chicken pieces occasionally for 25-30 minutes.

Remove the chicken from pan. Increase heat and cook the sauce down until it is reduced by half and thickened. Toss the chicken in the sauce to coat. Serve garnished with green onion and sesame seeds.

*We like spicy but not hot so I used a few slices of Jalapeno instead of Thai bird or Serrano but I wanted to leave that in because many of you like hotter food.

Serve over brown or white rice.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,620
Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Don't know why there is such a big space in ingredients. I tried to fix it. Sorry.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,153
Registered: ‎05-22-2012
On 2/24/2015 DiAnne said:

Don't know why there is such a big space in ingredients. I tried to fix it. Sorry.

It happens right around that point (across from the New Reply button) in a lot of posts and can't be fixed. No idea why and it drives me crazy, but it wasn't anything you did, if that helps.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,435
Registered: ‎02-27-2012

Nothing makes me happier in a boring work day than to see a recipe with your name on it!

Thanks so much, DiAnne! Can always count on you to spice up our boring menu!

Dang...I don't have peanut oil....time to invest!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,435
Registered: ‎02-27-2012
On 2/24/2015 DiAnne said:

Don't know why there is such a big space in ingredients. I tried to fix it. Sorry.

When I copy and paste into Word....that big space gap disappears all on its own! Weird!

Oh boy...I do have chix thighs though!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,539
Registered: ‎11-23-2013

Dianne, I am loving that recipe!!!! Thank you for sharing it!

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Posts: 13,347
Registered: ‎07-25-2010
