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Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

@sidsmom wrote:

@phoenixbrd wrote:

yummers....and if you don't want to use oil in the dressing, you can substitute it with a tahini sauce (delicious one in trader joe's deli section)  Thanks!

Good, and wise, suggestion.


I saw 4T of olive oil.

Ouch! That's 500 calories...and 54 grams of fat! 

Avocado, tahini...even a blended bean dressing would be 

better than that much oil which offers no nutritional value.


That recipe is nice for those venturing into the plant-based world.





You do know recipes can be tweeked, don't you... as I suggested 🙄

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Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

@Noel7 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

@phoenixbrd wrote:

yummers....and if you don't want to use oil in the dressing, you can substitute it with a tahini sauce (delicious one in trader joe's deli section)  Thanks!

Good, and wise, suggestion.


I saw 4T of olive oil.

Ouch! That's 500 calories...and 54 grams of fat! 

Avocado, tahini...even a blended bean dressing would be 

better than that much oil which offers no nutritional value.


That recipe is nice for those venturing into the plant-based world.





You do know recipes can be tweeked, don't you... as I suggested 

That's correct!

A couple of us offered suggestions, so we know recipes can be 

tweaked for bettter nutritional value.  Thanks!

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Posts: 18,752
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

@sidsmom wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

@phoenixbrd wrote:

yummers....and if you don't want to use oil in the dressing, you can substitute it with a tahini sauce (delicious one in trader joe's deli section)  Thanks!

Good, and wise, suggestion.


I saw 4T of olive oil.

Ouch! That's 500 calories...and 54 grams of fat! 

Avocado, tahini...even a blended bean dressing would be 

better than that much oil which offers no nutritional value.


That recipe is nice for those venturing into the plant-based world.





You do know recipes can be tweeked, don't you... as I suggested 

That's correct!

A couple of us offered suggestions, so we know recipes can be 

tweaked for bettter nutritional value.  Thanks!



I already had @sidsmom. But thanks for backing me up 😊

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Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

To @sidsmom who said, in part: “oil which offers no nutritional value”: 

That is downright false information. Following is a synopsis of facts I gleaned from a quick read at :


Olive Oil. . .
• contains no carbohydrates or protein. All of its calories come from fat, mostly monounsaturated, making it an extremely heart healthy addition to your diet.
• is rich in vitamin E, which is a fat soluble vitamin that supports normal nerve conduction and plays a role in immunity.
• is also a good source of vitamin K, which is another fat soluble vitamin that is responsible for blood clotting.
• olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat, which is a heart healthy fat that can help to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL)
• Studies suggest that adding extra virgin olive oil to the diet, about one to two tablespoons per day, can have anti-inflammatory effects by reducing c-reactive protein
• Some of the polyphenols in olive oil can prevent blood platelets from clumping together, which is a cause of heart attacks. The FDA supports the claim that "eating 2 tablespoons of olive oil each day may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."


Moreover, although neither Noel7 nor her recipe needs defending, I will remind you that it serves 4 generously. Four tablespoons distributed among four people is one tablespoon. I see no instructions to eat in excess. Also, have you ever noticed that dressings can drain to the bottom of the bowl?  So, if one is fearful of the oil, it might be is advisable to take your portion from the top of the bowl.  Or, take a smaller serving.


The right to tweak a recipe to fit one’s need is available to each and every reader; however, IMHO, to blatantly condemn a generously shared recipe is wrong.  More wrong than any amount of olive oil contained therein.

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.
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Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

Unfortunately, oils are processed foods.

Whole food Olives are full vitamins, minerals, fiber.  Eat them.

Corn?  Sure!

Nuts?  Go for it.

But to squeeze these whole foods out for just a pinch of oil?

And to say these oils are 'good for you"...just as good as the whole food?

Heavens, the oil companies have hefty sponsors & a sweet marketing team for people to believe that.

Where's the fiber?  It's 100% fat. And, truth be told, offers absolutely zero flavor.  Oils are e.x.t.r.e.m.e.l.y. high, calorie dense processed foods. 

(Info source:  Esselstyn Cleveland Clinic)

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Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

[ Edited ]

Thanks for your post, @IamMrsG.


I love the taste of olive oil in dressings.


To me, it has a rich flavor with a slightly earthy taste. Yum!


I think that it's one of the healthiest oils that we can use in a recipe. It's my favorite oil when used in a cold pasta-type of a salad, too. 

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Posts: 18,752
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

@IamMrsG wrote:

To @sidsmom who said, in part: “oil which offers no nutritional value”: 

That is downright false information. Following is a synopsis of facts I gleaned from a quick read at :


Olive Oil. . .
• contains no carbohydrates or protein. All of its calories come from fat, mostly monounsaturated, making it an extremely heart healthy addition to your diet.
• is rich in vitamin E, which is a fat soluble vitamin that supports normal nerve conduction and plays a role in immunity.
• is also a good source of vitamin K, which is another fat soluble vitamin that is responsible for blood clotting.
• olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat, which is a heart healthy fat that can help to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL)
• Studies suggest that adding extra virgin olive oil to the diet, about one to two tablespoons per day, can have anti-inflammatory effects by reducing c-reactive protein
• Some of the polyphenols in olive oil can prevent blood platelets from clumping together, which is a cause of heart attacks. The FDA supports the claim that "eating 2 tablespoons of olive oil each day may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."


Moreover, although neither Noel7 nor her recipe needs defending, I will remind you that it serves 4 generously. Four tablespoons distributed among four people is one tablespoon. I see no instructions to eat in excess. Also, have you ever noticed that dressings can drain to the bottom of the bowl?  So, if one is fearful of the oil, it might be is advisable to take your portion from the top of the bowl.  Or, take a smaller serving.


The right to tweak a recipe to fit one’s need is available to each and every reader; however, IMHO, to blatantly condemn a generously shared recipe is wrong.  More wrong than any amount of olive oil contained therein.







I agree with you about the benefit of olive oil, in fact, it is said to be why so many in the Mediterranean area are healthier than most other people.


I appreciate your comments.

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Posts: 18,752
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

[ Edited ]

@sidsmom wrote:

Unfortunately, oils are processed foods.

Whole food Olives are full vitamins, minerals, fiber.  Eat them.

Corn?  Sure!

Nuts?  Go for it.

But to squeeze these whole foods out for just a pinch of oil?

And to say these oils are 'good for you"...just as good as the whole food?

Heavens, the oil companies have hefty sponsors & a sweet marketing team for people to believe that.

Where's the fiber?  It's 100% fat. And, truth be told, offers absolutely zero flavor.  Oils are e.x.t.r.e.m.e.l.y. high, calorie dense processed foods. 

(Info source:  Esselstyn Cleveland Clinic)





Your knowledge of food and health is usually from one source or another which many consider questionable.  In the past, I have provided you with medical information which had contradicted your claims but you were never interested.


@IamMrsG  is correct that the use of olive oil has, in various studies, been shown to help prevent heart issues.


Obviously you can believe whatever you want but you are so often wrong, and this is another of those times.

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Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

@Toppers3 wrote:

Thanks for your post, @IamMrsG.


I love the taste of olive oil in dressings.


To me, it has a rich flavor with a slightly earthy taste. Yum!


I think that it's one of the healthiest oils that we can use in a recipe. It's my favorite oil when used in a cold pasta-type of a salad, too. 



Hi @Toppers3


I wanted to update you regarding the salad recipe.  Today I made a sandwich with my usual Sara Lee 45 calorie bread, spread my favorite hummus on one side and then put the salad on top of that. 


It was a nice surprise that none of the salad pieces rolled out, they adhered to the hummus and it was delicious!

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Posts: 18,752
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Balela Salad: Delicious & Vegan

Here are 11 health benefits of olive oil that are supported by scientific research.
  • Olive Oil is Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats. ...
  • Olive Oil Contains Large Amounts of Antioxidants. ...
  • Olive Oil Has Strong Anti-Inflammatory Properties. ...
  • Olive Oil May Help to Prevent Stroke. ...
  • Olive Oil is Protective Against Heart Disease.