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All this talk about eggs is making me hungry.  I'm going to go make myself a scrambled egg sandwich.


Now see what you guys did?  Ha!  It's 7:00PM here in Va and this egg sandwish is going to sit on these hefty thighs all night....but I've gotta have that egg sandwich now.


Just weighing in...they all taste the same to me but then I can't smell or taste much.

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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

All this talk about eggs is making me hungry.  I'm going to go make myself a scrambled egg sandwich.


Now see what you guys did?  Ha!  It's 7:00PM here in Va and this egg sandwish is going to sit on these hefty thighs all night....but I've gotta have that egg sandwich now.


Just weighing in...they all taste the same to me but then I can't smell or taste much.

@Annabellethecat66  Want to know how I cook an egg for an egg sandwich? I get a good quality non-stick pan and heat it up a little (not really hot), melt a tiny bit of butter on the bottom and crack in a good fresh egg.


Then I get a toothpick and stick it in the yolk and sort of draw it out on all sides as far as I want.  While I am doing this, the egg is cooking away gently on even medium to medium low heat.  


I let it cook gently until it is pretty set in the white, I flip the egg over and turn off the heat.  I let it sit there until the yolk is translucent and jelly like, get two pieces of nice white bread (preferably home made), slather with good mayo and put the egg on it, add salt and pepper and I'm good to go!


It is a wonderful thing!  One of life's great pleasures!  NO crackly brown edges, no dripping yolk but no hard cooked yolk either.  I can just see it all now!  Woman Very Happy

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All hens with white ear lobes lay white eggs.  Red ear lobes lay brown, cream, blue or green eggs.  I had two Americanas and they layeed blue eggs, they had red ear lobes.  Rhode Island Whites have red ear lobes, are white chickens and lay brown eggs.

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I have 14 hens that run around my 1 acre yard all day and get locked up in their pen at night.  They are truly free range hens.  Whenever they see me they run (flapping their wings) to me and some always want picked up.  Their eggs are really good.  When you have free range hens they will lay fewer eggs than chickens kept in a pen all the time because they forage for a lot of their food.  I keep a feeder with layer pellets in their pen and they do eat that as well.  I keep the hen house heated to 45-50 degrees in the winter and have a fan pointed at their roost in the summer.  SPOILED little girls.  But it makes me happy to know they are well cared for.  My friends call my henhouse my Martha Stewart henhouse.  I have cute signs up on the outsie gate and in the house.  A couple of my favorites are "The Rooster may Crow but the Hen delivers the goods", And Wicked chickens lay Deviled Eggs".

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My blue ear lobed silkies lay brown eggs. 

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@chicken ears


I would love to have chickens, but worry about the predators -- even during the day.  


We are back in the woods and there are owls and hawks, so I just don't think it would work.  


Like you, I would want them to have a luxury henhouse, but if they ran lose during the day I think they would become prey.  And, I would feel horrible.


We have foxes too, so, mostly, I just wish I could have them, but probably never will.


Maybe a silly question, but if your girls get sick, can you take them to the vet?

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Kind of off-topic, but when I was a girl, in the 50s, my mom had a cast-iron (I believe) square small pan, specifically for making scrambled eggs for sandwiches. This topic reminded me of it. Very interesting topic!

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Also note:  Free Range and Cage Free are not the same.  Always buy Free Range!!!!

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@Witchy Woman, Thank you for thinking things out and not putting any chickens in harms way. That's very nice of you. I have a few chickens and they all have their own houses except one (long story). They are faily protected but I live in town. If I lived out where things roam, I would have to get something more secure. I had a rooster that something got and I had to put him down. Cried for days. And the answer to your vet question is yes. I had to call every place in town but finally found one that would see chickens. Have brought most of my girls there for one reason or another. Vets don't generally mess with them, so I was very happy to find one. Smiley Happy

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@chicken ears, your hens are very blessed! Smiley Happy