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I am sorry but you were WRONG about the color of a chicken determines the color of the eggs.  White chickens can and do lay brown eggs.  It is the color of the ear lobes that determines the egg color.  Red ear lobes lay brown eggs.  White ear lobes lay white eggs.  Light sussex are whit  (I have some) and they lay brown eggs.  There are many white chickens that lay brown eggs and dark colored chickens that lay white eggs.

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egg color is determined by the color of their ear lobes

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Did a QVC host or vendor convey such misinformation?

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Re: the color of eggs

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I’ll be darned !! I didn’t know they had lobes, and I even had chickens !  Learn something new every day 🐔🙂

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@chicken ears Who is the "you" that you're addressing?

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City girl asking here:

If possible, please post pictures of any two chickens with earlobes showing different colors so I can know better how to determine the egg color-to-be. I have no idea where a chicken’s ears are and that there are colored lobes. It would help to see comparison photos. Thanks. 

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It is David Venable .  It was a trivia question on his cook show "In the kitchen with David".  The answer was that the egg color is determined by the color of the chicken.  And the card said white chickens lay white eggs, etc.

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Go to Murray Mc Murray hatchery to see which chickens lay what color of eggs.  I can't post any white ear lobed chickens as I oly have brown egg layers.  They have pictures of adult birds.

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I just Googled this and this is what I found.


Can You Tell What Color Egg a Chicken Will Lay?
Posted by Paula Tapner on June 27, 2011

Hmmm. Good question! The answer may surprise you.

Chicken Breeds and Egg Color

If you know what breed the chicken is, then you can be pretty sure you will know the color egg she will lay. For example, a Rhode Island Red will lay a brown egg and a White Leghorn will lay a white egg.

It’s trickier when you’re dealing with South American breeds like the Ameraucana, Araucana or “Easter Egg-ers,” hens that aren’t purebred. Ameraucanas and Araucanas are known and prized for their blue eggs, but Easter Egg-ers can lay eggs in a rainbow of colors from blue to pink to green and many shades in between.

Yep. That's a chicken earlobe.

Yep. That's a chicken earlobe.

Chicken Earlobes and Egg Color

Another way to try to predict egg color is to look at the hen’s earlobe. If it’s white, then the egg will most likely be white. If it’s red, the egg will most likely be brown. This works about 75% of the time.

If it’s important for you to know what color the eggs will be, the best advice we can give is do some research, and know your breed before you get any chicks. That way you can have brown eggs instead of, say, avocado colored eggs, if that’s what you prefer!

We Love an Assortment

Personally we love the assortment of beige, brown, speckled, blue, green and white eggs that we collect every day. But that’s just us, and our birds continue to delight us!

One good resource is They have a chicken breeds chart that gives you lots of information about egg color, egg size and other useful things to know about your breed of choice.


The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: the color of eggs

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All I know is we like the brown eggs. I know they say there is no difference but there is a taste difference to us. The white have an eggy after taste the brown do not IMO.

Also the eggs from pasture grazed chickens taste a lot better. These eggs are brown, white, blue or green generally a mixture.