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Registered: ‎01-29-2017

First let me say, the networks will show what they want to show. In the past, I called CBS and they had gotten so many complaints they switched Y&R over to another CBS affiliate so we could watch. That was not going to happen yesterday......Here in the East regular programming resumed at 2PM so I thought ok maybe GH will be on at 3PM local time. Got into that when YR actors went over......But it was a repeat......


What I recently discovered is that our outrageously expensive cable company has the soaps on "on demand" the next day......... but decided I will just wait for today and watch live as the coverage of DC nonsense will be "behind closed doors".........


To fellow YR watchers, hope JT saga will end sooooon.........

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@BalletBabe wrote:

This should be posted tv.  This is not Q talk.   


It's not a big deal.  Don't open the post if you don't want to see it.

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Posts: 11,412
Registered: ‎07-21-2014

im not happy when this happens either!

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller