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Re: Who or What do you miss?

SO DO I!!! This is NOT user friendly at all. I still HATE it!

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I hate this new forum set-up.  So NOT easy to use.  Okay ready for this.  I will get some HATE response BUT I miss Lisa R.  She was funny and glam.  Okay I have my armor on HIT ME!

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss the way these boards use to be 2 changes ago...

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Re: Who or What do you miss?


Ditto, Ditto, Ditto !!!!! and I have already said it elsewhere as well !!!!!Woman Sad

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I became aware of QVC just as Sport Savvy and Dialogue were being phased out.  I got a few things on clearance that I really like.  I would have liked to try some pieces from Koos and  there was another one Costa? but I was too late.

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

The original Quacker Factory with its crisp white shirts and cute summer jumpers. 

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss the quality that QVC offered. I can't even remember the names of the lines but there were silk and there wool lines among others...beautiful stuff. Most of all, I miss the elegance and quality of Linea. Louis offered us some gorgeous clothes. QVC is martifying everything.
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Re: Who or What do you miss?

I miss the variety of products, and the fact that in any given hour or day there would be *something* interesting on. Remember the 50 in 50 tour with all the unique products and their *inventors*, NOT "professional reps"?

Even in an hour's worth of product I'm interested in, there is rarely anything actually new.
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Re: Who or What do you miss?

@NCmom wrote:
Do you miss any former Q hosts or any product line that is no longer carried on the Q? Thinking back....what clothing line did Linda Davies originally represent before she joined LCNY? I missed Lisa Mason and was so happy when she recently returned!

@NCmom wrote:
Do you miss any former Q hosts or any product line that is no longer carried on the Q? Thinking back....what clothing line did Linda Davies originally represent before she joined LCNY? I missed Lisa Mason and was so happy when she recently returned!

So sorry for the double posts, but the page is jumping all around. I certainly miss K.L. The girl that does Prindables apples now, she was so sweet and presented the products so well. I miss the VARIETY of products, I would lighten up on the Bose,computers, and tablets. I wish for more hosts like mbr, LM lets just say the more mature girls. Love Leah, would love to see more of her own shows!

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Re: Who or What do you miss?

Marie Osmond doll shows were so much fun with Mary Beth and Marie.