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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

When hosts are always saying they own this or several of this It makes me wonder if they dont get "gifts" from the vendor?

I bet they do.

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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

DH became a school bus driver about 3 months after he closed his company and retired.  In all the years we had kids on school busses it didn't occur to me to gift the bus driver!


He loves this job and has kept the same route for 4 years now.  At Christmas, he is always amazed at the gifts he receives.  His kids are from a well-to-do area and gifts have ranged from home-made food to $50 Visa cards!


The first year he drove he came home with assorted gift cards totaling $235, and enough food goodies to fill a freezer!

Now, I kind of wish I had gifted our drivers, but I never met them.  DH sees most of the parents each day.

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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

I take everything that hosts and vendors say with a grain of salt.  They may or may not actually give those things as gifts.  It's all sales talk, and I don't take them at their word.


To me, it's the same as when a host claims that she exclusively uses a particular skin care line.  Until the next skin care vendor comes on, and then suddenly those products are the ones she's loved and used for years.


They say whatever they think will make a sale.  That's their job, so I don't fault them for it.  But I also take none of it seriously and I believe probably less than half of what they say.

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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

@dusty_house wrote:

Just saw the Lenox rep talking about how she gives Lenox ornaments to the bus driver, teachers, etc.


Really?  You give items I'm sure you either pay little or nothing for.  Wow.  


Many of the QVC hosts also say "I own this".  Yep...with that employee discount I bet you do.

Yes, a popular gifting sentiment I hear over and over is "It's the money you spent that counts." 

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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

@Daysdee wrote:

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

When hosts are always saying they own this or several of this It makes me wonder if they dont get "gifts" from the vendor?

I bet they do.

Hosts have occasionally mentioned that the vendor gives them the item ahead of time to "try out" before it's presented. This applies to clothing and household items. They keep it afterward, except, I'm sure, if it's an expensive electronics item, lol. So, many times when a host says "l own this," she/he hasn't actually gone out and bought it.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

@handygal2 wrote:

@Daysdee wrote:

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

When hosts are always saying they own this or several of this It makes me wonder if they dont get "gifts" from the vendor?

I bet they do.

Hosts have occasionally mentioned that the vendor gives them the item ahead of time to "try out" before it's presented. This applies to clothing and household items. They keep it afterward, except, I'm sure, if it's an expensive electronics item, lol. So, many times when a host says "l own this," she/he hasn't actually gone out and bought it.

David and Mary (and possibly Sharon?) have also mentioned that they get to sample some of the food items they present before those products go on air—that's a fantastic way to get rave reviews from the hosts when a food item debuts. But I often wonder what happens if a host doesn't like the product; I think David has noted that he has "helped to tweak" a few items, but if they're real duds, I'm guessing they get tabled.

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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

@loriqvc   I would also assume that the food buyers and their staff must sample the food items--especially new items.  Don't think they would order 3000 of an item if they didn't think it would sell and be popular.

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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

I half listen to their chit chat and disregard all the gift giving suggestions. I know what I can afford and who to gift. 



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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

At the end of most presentations the product is always mentioned as a gift.I think it is just a selling tactic.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: When Vendors Say "I give these as gifts"

@handygal2 wrote:

@Daysdee wrote:

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

When hosts are always saying they own this or several of this It makes me wonder if they dont get "gifts" from the vendor?

I bet they do.

Hosts have occasionally mentioned that the vendor gives them the item ahead of time to "try out" before it's presented. This applies to clothing and household items. They keep it afterward, except, I'm sure, if it's an expensive electronics item, lol. So, many times when a host says "l own this," she/he hasn't actually gone out and bought it.


That's exactly right.  So technically, in that case, what they're saying is true.  


I don't doubt, however, that lots of what they say is not true at all.  And even in this case, they're well aware that they're implying they bought the items because they love them so much and just had to have them.  So it may not be an outright lie, but for sure they're being deliberately misleading.  Hopefully, as time goes by, more and more consumers will realize that there's a lot of deception involved in sales of all kinds.