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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

Friendsgiving has been around for years. Who cares? Just ignore it. I ignore a lot of things I don't like. It's very easy. It's not like someone made this up yesterday.

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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?



I like David but I stopped watching.  Everytime I channel surf and ITKWD is on withing a minute or two at the most he is going over colors, telling how many on the day, how many in this show alone, blah, blah, blah!  I could care less how many he sold in his show; is he tooting his own horn?  Its getting very old and boring and is an immediate channel change for me.  He needs to change it up!

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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

I hope it's not another one of those Woke words.


Please say it isn't.  I'm so tired of those made up words.

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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

@Annabellethecat66  I don't know what a woke word is but Friendsgiving is a gathering of friends having dinner during the Thanksgiving season. It seems to be about ten or so years old.

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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

@Annabellethecat66   What is a woke word?

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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

I hope it's not another one of those Woke words.


Please say it isn't.  I'm so tired of those made up words.


Well, once upon a time, someone made up Thanksgiving! There were probably people, who didn't like the idea!  🦃 

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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Friendsgiving has been around for years. Who cares? Just ignore it. I ignore a lot of things I don't like. It's very easy. It's not like someone made this up yesterday.


Exactly!  It's nothing new - It goes back quite awhile.  And it doesn't take the place of Thanksgiving, nor was that ever the intent.


No one's Thanksgiving is being taken away from them, so everyone can relax.  It's not like there's a movement to force out traditional Thanksgiving.  We should all celebrate all holidays in a way that fits our own circumstances and brings us joy.


Especially this year.

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Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

@Catch71 wrote:



I like David but I stopped watching.  Everytime I channel surf and ITKWD is on withing a minute or two at the most he is going over colors, telling how many on the day, how many in this show alone, blah, blah, blah!  I could care less how many he sold in his show; is he tooting his own horn?  Its getting very old and boring and is an immediate channel change for me.  He needs to change it up!


The producers tell the hosts when to go over colors, numbers, etc.  They keep an eye on the amount of sales coming in, and they see what makes sales spike.  If going over the colors (for example) makes the numbers rise, they tell the hosts to do the colors again.  David doesn't randomly decide when to do that.  It's not loosey-goosey like that.  It's much more calculated and controlled than it appears.

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Posts: 6,889
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Whats up w/Friendsgiving?

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

I hope it's not another one of those Woke words.


Please say it isn't.  I'm so tired of those made up words.


I don't think you understand what a "woke word" is.  


But in any case, Friendsgiving has been around for a long time.  It's completely harmless, nothing new, and doesn't have to impact your life in any way if you don't want it to.