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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

what I meant was the previous show was 4 hours of "gourmet holiday" then ITKWD came on and his show was mostly food & wine🙄....


I'm sure they are doing more food due to those who are in areas where meats, etc. are sparse & people will buy.



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Re: What's the point of Goutrmet Holiday and ITK shows...



I feel they are "slowly" phasing out Temptations.  I noticed this too!


I see a lot on clearance and personally, I'm trying to sell the majority of many unused pieces.  They got away from the original concept where they had holders and lids.  The quality is hit or miss over these past few years.


I know I purchased them when they had big sets-- I didn't use 1/2 of them😉

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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

@KKJ and @homedecor1 - FWIW, there has been at least one Temp-tations item in every episode of ITKWD & ITKWM lately, often accompanied by a phone call or video call from Tara. It has been interesting to see glimpses of her kitchen in the background.

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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

@Diva on The Q wrote:

The point???  To sell food!!!

Exactly!  Food must be a big money maker for them!  People are mostly stuck at home.  It's comforting for many to have some fancy food on hand.

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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

[ Edited ]

I think it was a 5 hour show that day...?

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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

Many people are just getting more afforable food delivered from grocery stores.  That's always an option.

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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

The point is $$$.


My point is watch or don't.  

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Re: What's the point of Goutrmet Holiday and ITK shows...

I understand too.  It used to be where the ITKWD shows were mostly kitchen gadgets but at some point that changed.  The other day after the 5 hour gourmet holilday food show, many if not most of his products were the same items that were featured during the food show.  I think maybe they were trying to sell out of those products that hadn't sold out.

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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

I think they know people have grown weary of so much cooking and maybe want some more ready to eat choices.  I'm SO TIRED of cooking and cleaning!  However I feel the food I cook is always better tasting and healthier than what I can buy elsewhere, so I just carry on knowing someday, I'll go back to dinner out on Friday and Saturday and maybe even once in the work week.  Everyone wants to stay in and not venture out to the grocery store, it's  crowded and exhausting with all the rules in place.  I am fortunate to get my groceries delivered and only have to pick up what was missing from my order once a week, a short trip and one small bag of goods.  

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Re: What's the point of Gourmet Holiday and ITK shows...

I think another point is that Memorial Day (or as my Mom called it Decoration Day) is May 25.