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What is Courtney wearing???  She is such a cute girl, but my goodness!!!  I get that she wants to look current and hip, but....looks like she forgot her skirt!!  Was is it with these styles that look like underclothing??  LOGO's diaper look and now this underslip look??? I don't get that it looks "fashionable" nor have I ever seen anyone in my area wearing such clothing!!

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I understand what you mean, but it's cute and just perfect for what she is doing, selling more clothing. Not really practical for office wear.
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She's trying to show that you can wear the TSV and not look frumpy by pairing it with "edgier" pieces in your wardrobe.

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Re: What is she wearing????

[ Edited ]
To me, it looks like she's wearing a slip. I don't think Joan would have cared for the way Courtney styled her shirt.

Courtney has worn a few getups recently. One that comes to mind was when she had a pageboy wig on, and she wore a mesh skirt with crinoline slip, and a striped cardigan. I thought it looked like a ballerina tutu.

I think some of her outfits are nice, but the most memorable are the ones that are not.
~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Love the skirt, but the shirt doesn't look good with it at all.  One shirt isn't going to be appropriate for absolutely everything in your closet.  Not sure why they would try to convince people otherwise.  

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I think about the very formal, elegant rooms posted in pictures of Joan's NYC apartment. Then I pictures Joan lounging there in a denim work shirt and it just doesn't compute.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I like her but am not a fan of that skirt at all....Smiley Embarassed

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Seriously- a three year old could put three pieces of clothing together better than Courtney did. She loked laughable, not edgy.

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At first glance I thought it was LR.  I've never seen Courtney's hair styled like that.

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She forgot that skirt.  Poor thing.  Senior moment at her age?