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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

Personally I can't wear black close to my face as too harsh. Navy is better.


I was thinking it may be a NY thing? I used to hear New Yorkers live in black. Maybe that's changed? Nothing to think about just put on the clothes and  go. No worries about matching anything! 


It really doesn't bother me one way or another. 


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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

@Gorgf wrote:

Personally I can't wear black close to my face as too harsh. Navy is better.


I was thinking it may be a NY thing? I used to hear New Yorkers live in black. Maybe that's changed? Nothing to think about just put on the clothes and  go. No worries about matching anything! 


It really doesn't bother me one way or another. 


@Gorgf  I live in NY and don't live in black.

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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

@BlueFinch Thanks. You said it so I don't have to. Only difference here is southern desert AZ heat. As I am posting this, it's 113 degrees and yes, I'm in black.

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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

I saw a very old movie Isaac was in. A small part, just part of a social setting. He was dressed all in black and looked just like today only with all black hair to go with his all black suit.

I can't even imagine Isaac dressed all in color. I think he "hides" in black. 


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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

Now that you mention it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him wear another color.
It’s always black.
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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

He's so exceptionally talented and funny, he can wear whatever he wants.
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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

IM has been wearing that uniform forever. That is his thing. Color is for others and his line of clothing, not him. He is true to his personal style. You gotta give him that.

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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

I'm good with it. It's in the nineties  where I live and I wore a black pantsuit with a white blouse today and I was fine. I didn't see anything wrong with his look. That's what he likes so great!

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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

@mspatmac wrote:

Isaac can wear a sack for all I care.  All black is his style, why would I care?



I agree with you @mspatmac  That is his signature look.  As for the jacket, I would imagine if he were outside, he would remove it. So I think he's OK dressing the way he is comfortable.  


The hosts and vendors have said numerous times it is freezing in the studio.



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Re: What is Isaac wearing???

In the old days fashion designers would always wear head to toe black.