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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I don't mind them at all.  They are helpful many times.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I like testimonials, especially if it's a product I'm considering purchasing.  It actually seems to me that they don't have as many call-in testimonials as they used to.  Some callers are so excited to talk that they can't take a hint that the call needs to end.  Some just want to go on & on & on.  I find myself thinking, "take a hint, woman!"

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

The testimonials are a complete waste of time and an automatic mute or channel changer. Of course, there was the one that Leah had years ago. Oh, my!


I think this practice is a holdover from the days that we had no reviews. It needs to be abandoned yesterday.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

@San Antonio Gal   For the most part, I find them cringe worthy.  Pass for me.  

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

[ Edited ]

They are a waste of time. Either the caller tells a sad tale, or they go on and on. I get a kick out of the ones that try to talk like the hosts. You can dress it up or down. You can wear it out to dinner, or out to lunch.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I've heard some really brilliant calls, with some sharing unique, atypical ways they have enjoyed certain products. Sometimes even the vendors will say: 'I hadn't thought of that.' However, these are the exception.


Moreover, I find the calls sad, with some calling in appearing to just need a human connection, particularly those facing illness, or the lonely seniors. I can only imagine their feeling of rejection, if they wait on the line forever, only to have their call cut very short.


The testimonials are not a good thing. I don't want to be enjoying a segment, only to be enveloped with sadness. I've had a few callers stay in my mind for a couple of days. Not good.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

@San Antonio Gal   I record most shows I want to see and then watch on mute and use my FF button on remote. I do think the callers just want attention and I never thought their reviews and testimonials were worth a grain a salt.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

The testimonials don't sway me to buy a particular item so in that respect I wouldn't miss these calls.  I know this will never be but just once I would like to hear someone call with a negative review, not a nasty review, just the truth.  However, as the hosts love every single item they sell, callers will always be positive!!!!!!  Makes sense on a shopping channel!

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

The vast majority are clumsy at best, cringe-worthy at worst, and harken back to the amateurish early days of television shopping. I am amazed that they have continued with them.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Do they help with the host/vendor presentations or are they a waste of time?  I've had the Q on this morning in the background and there was caller that started crying while talking to Pat and the candle vendor.  Pat said a few words, but then the candle vendor was able to chime in with more soothing words and got her off the phone pretty quick.


I'm not a fan of these testimonials and if I'm watching I usually mute it.   Do you like the testimonials?

@San Antonio Gal 


I think like you do-----


I remember an interview that former Qurate CEO, Mike George did with the Wall Street Jouranal and RAVED about the "testimonal call".......🙄 But in truth except for the person on the phone that enjoys their 5 minutes of "fame" most viewers dread 'em......😫


I think the calls happen for two reasons---


1.  The hosts are unprepared and have run out of things to say so the Producer decides to "let's go to the phones"......




2.  The presentations are TOO LONG and the hosts run out of things to say so the Producer decides to "let's go the the phones"...........


Eliminate these two things and no testimonal calls are needed...😁


Now there are exceptions like some customers want to talk to a few of the Vendors to let them know how much they like their products these vendors have a "fan following" (like Jim Shore or Valerie Parr Hill) ...

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