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What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

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Do they help with the host/vendor presentations or are they a waste of time?  I've had the Q on this morning in the background and there was caller that started crying while talking to Pat and the candle vendor.  Pat said a few words, but then the candle vendor was able to chime in with more soothing words and got her off the phone pretty quick.


I'm not a fan of these testimonials and if I'm watching I usually mute it.   Do you like the testimonials?

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

Mostly I can't stand them for the reason you mentioned.  They can be difficult to listen to when someone is particularly needy.  I feel badly for some but it's not what should be as part of a presentation on a shopping channel.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I had my TV turned a little too low to hear what the actual subject matter of the crying was all about, but I grabbed my remote and switched channels as quickly as possible. Sorry to be a bit callous, but that's just not what I'm looking for when watching a shopping channel. And frankly, I don't imagine it's a favorite thing for hosts or vendors to have to deal with live on air either. Woman Frustrated  

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

The callers are interviewed before air time, by a show producer.   You KNOW they are not going to say anything derogatory

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

No .....I don't like call in testimonials .....especially when they feel the need to talk about their medical history.....

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

An absolute waste of time.  Why would they think that the testimonial of  one person is going to have anything to do with my decision.  Again a waste of time, IMHO.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I just happened to hear that particular call, and I thought that Harry handled it beautifully!  Much better than the host, and I like her.  He was calm, considerate, and managed to turn her sorrow into good thoughts--and promote his product all at the same time!


Now that's a good salesman.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I think they do it as a time filler. Maybe the hosts like the break of not having to come up with comments about the product. My solution to that would be to shorten the time for each product. Offer more items with shorter time allotments and stop the testimonial calls.  

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I always mute when these calls come on, wish they would do away with them.


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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

No, I do not like the calls.


I did hear the crying phone call this morning.  I'm glad that woman got a moment's bliss from her connection to candles in her life.  But I always find those type of calls cringe-worthy, like I'm eavesdropping on a personal phone call.  


Then there are the callers that keep chatting away and asking all kinds of specific questions and telling long stories.  It's as if there aren't millions of people waiting for this call to end.  Do they forget they're on TV, and they think it's a 1-on-1 call with the host?